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Lynn (DayZ)

Speedhacker found

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Hey guys,

we found a speedhacker on LU166. His name was waka!

He has stolen the Ural and started to escape... We followed him with a motorcycle and an ATV but we have had no chance to get to him...Then we decided to use 2 different ways and waka! turned his way in direction of my mate. Then my mate saw how unbelievable fast he was...We banned him for 7 days from now on.


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he was extremely fast and we can't start fraps or s. th. in that fast situation... thats why we banned him for 7 days at first... he destroyed the ural and disconnected... 5 min. later we saw him in the gamelobby...

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without video evidence i dont think this is a fair judgement why should we take your word for when in the puplic eye you have been sullied as hackers.

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Thats why we didn't banned him permanently, just for 7 days... He has the chance to give his opinion in this thread to it or he has to accept it. I only can say what i saw and that was a Ural with 300 km/h... What would you do, if u have no Fraps?

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