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yout2 (DayZ)

Looking for players to play with

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Hello my ingame name is yout2 i am at the moment a solo player looking for players to play with my steam name is hawlk1221

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I would join you. I have been at this game for a while, and have worked with multiple different people/groups of people. Just as long as you aren't a whiny noob who combat logs at all fights I am fine with working with you.

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i play every day with a couple of different groups of people and theres always at least one person on at all times.you should come join us at ts52.light-speed.com:9675 on teamspeak! we are a fun group to be with and u wont regret it =).we will help u any way we can with guns n ammo and raiding.got our own server we play on with new and experienced players!

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