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Duck off who claims to be saints here.

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good, stay the fuck away from this game hacker scum. "Once a hacker, always a hacker"

Edited by BunnyHillPro
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good, stay the fuck away from this game hacker scum. "Once a hacker, always a hacker"

Hey bud, if he buys a new copy, it's his.

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So I tried to hack the game to get the gear back. So i got banned by battle eye.

I dont understand why it shows a global ban even on my new id?

I rest my case.

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Its cause battle eye have your number, they know your game. lol it knows your ip ect ect

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good, stay the fuck away from this game hacker scum. "Once a hacker, always a hacker"

Jesus, he has learned his leason by having to buy a new Arma 2, if you dont have anything good to say, stfu.

On topic: I dont know how to help you on this one, just wanted to quote the Bunny

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you deserved to be banned hacker, fuck off

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I am glad that you wasted the money and are still banned. You have learned a valuable lesson. Which is dont be a cry baby hacking scumbag. Maybe in the future when a different game frustrates you, seeing as you are banned from this one. Instead of trying to download hackware you'll simply go and do something less retarded. Looks good on you. The last laugh is ours, shitbrick.

Oh and for fuck sakes the word is "BOUGHT " not fucking "buyed" put down the games and learn to speak/read/write in fucking english. Sick of kids and especially adults that have poor grammar and shitty vocabulary because they were to fucking lazy in school to pay attention and then later became hacking cry babies because of their below average level of common sense and intelligence.

I hax game, Now me banned wah wah waste money buyed new game still me banned, I didnts follow the rulez and cant playz nomoar QQ not fairs.

LMAO You Fucking Hacking Scum Fuck, You will not be missed .l.. ..l. ROFL lolololololololol.

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cool thnx to players who understood my problem and who dont i really dont care, as i have already said i did it out of frustration and bought a new copy so if you cant help or do constructive criticism then fuck off.

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I hope you all realize how many less copies of ANY game would be sold if hackers didn't exist.

They get banned on a regular basis and because most of them are "part" of the community for said game they will re-buy it x amount of times till they get tired of being banned on it and stop hacking it. I knew a guy who went through twenty-three copies of counter-strike.

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I hope you all realize how many less copies of ANY game would be sold if hackers didn't exist.

They get banned on a regular basis and because most of them are "part" of the community for said game they will re-buy it x amount of times till they get tired of being banned on it and stop hacking it. I knew a guy who went through twenty-three copies of counter-strike.

your friend must be an idiot

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I never said hackers were intelligent, though he's in University his need to hack at that game surprised me. Especially since he played A LOT better without the hacks than he did with it and trying to hide it.

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I never said hackers were intelligent, though he's in University his need to hack at that game surprised me. Especially since he played A LOT better without the hacks than he did with it and trying to hide it.

well most hackers just do it to piss the non hackers off

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cool thnx to players who understood my problem and who dont i really dont care, as i have already said i did it out of frustration and bought a new copy so if you cant help or do constructive criticism then fuck off.

More of scolding for being dumb. But I`ll explain my understanding of the process.

If you are caught by the DayZ Hive or reported with proof and caught for any offence that is deemed bannable. The Hive notes your copy of CO which tracks your Cdkey and corrupts your character save which can not be loaded again. If you are unable to appeal the ban and have it revoked. This can be circumvented by purchasing a new copy of Arma 2 CO which permits you a new Cdkey and you can play once more.

If you are caught by Battle eye anti-cheat software for any bannable offense, (i.e. scripts) It bans you by your IP address which mean you can purchase x numbers of Arma 2 CO and still be banned.

If you have learnt your lesson that hacking in frustration and in general is stupid as fuck. I would suggest you take it up with the folks over at Battle eye. I don`t know the protocol or the process though because I have never had to deal with it myself. If you plan on returning to play the game legitimately. Then I Bid you good luck, otherwise fuck off hacker. ;)

Edited by Mungaloid

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you got caught hacking and now your banned OWNED...

Edited by Mous3

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Oh and for fuck sakes the word is "BOUGHT " not fucking "buyed" put down the games and learn to speak/read/write in fucking english. Sick of kids and especially adults that have poor grammar and shitty vocabulary because they were to fucking lazy in school to pay attention and then later became hacking cry babies because of their below average level of common sense and intelligence.

Grammar on the internet means jack shit.

The true person lacking intelligence, is the person who can't understand what someone is trying to say because of spelling errors.

What? Someone said "2" instead of to/too/two? And you really didn't understand what they were trying to say?

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My friend told me he got banned from COD for hacking. So I asked him what his honest reason was for hacking?

He said he was so bad at the game and hated losing he wasn't enjoying it so he needed to use a hack to enjoy it.

Just prooves all hackers are such noobs without any skill watsoever.

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My friend told me he got banned from COD for hacking. So I asked him what his honest reason was for hacking?

He said he was so bad at the game and hated losing he wasn't enjoying it so he needed to use a hack to enjoy it.

Just prooves all hackers are such noobs without any skill watsoever.

That's your buddy - And that's also Call of Duty (lol).

Most people hack because it's fun - Think of it like Grand Theft Auto, if it didn't have right-down-left-up-right-down(3x), left(3x), etc. to spawn fun things like tanks - You'd have to resort to hacking them in.

I'd assume the reason people hack DayZ is to spawn items/vehicles that are not in the mod -

And I'd assume the other reason would be because they're sick of shit like

happening - And only getting responses from people like you going "Learn to play noob".

Edit: And hell, it may even come down to just griefing the community- But they seriously aren't griefing any more than the people playing "Legit". (In other words, sitting on the edge of a town just killing everyone "Because pvp is the shit!" PVP is usually used on even terms, but in this game pvp means killing you from 300 yards where you can't even see my guys silhouette.

Edited by AllDayZSimon

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fuck off

This should get your ban lifted asap!

As for people being saints never claimed that just said we are not hacking scum.....

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If you find that you're able to get around the ban with a new copy of the game, would you mind posting your new GUID here?

I'm thinking of renting my own server, and I want to make sure all the hackers are banned.

Thanks in advance for your understanding.

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Grammar on the internet means jack shit.

The true person lacking intelligence, is the person who can't understand what someone is trying to say because of spelling errors.

What? Someone said "2" instead of to/too/two? And you really didn't understand what they were trying to say?

If I didn't understand, would I have correct him? I corrected him because the social norm of the internet allows such stupidity to exsist and does nothing to discourage it. If we turn a blind eye to it and say, "It's ok it's the internet." and with the internet now being the most common and primary source of most peoples pratice of using written words. How long before your kids and grand kids are too stupid to communicate verbally because English and all other Languages have been reduced to grunts, and develop a second pair of thumbs for texting L33t speaks and every other lame excuse for spelling. Does anyone remember a time when being called special ment possessing advanced skills rather then the lack of basic ones? Thank the education systems and lazy parents.

Short response: Any and all degrees of stupidity piss me off.

Edited by Mungaloid
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