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vehicle storage borked

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hey people

i just wanted to verify what i and my fellow survivors have been experiencing.

well now it is clear that tents are bugged and will swallow everything u put into em.

my question is how is this about vehicles?

saving 3 mins before server restart apparently does not prevent items from deisappearing on restart

furthermore we cant tell if anything new is stored at all since patch since the items tend to glitch back to the original vehicle when we shift em between multiple cars.

didnt fing a topic bout this...so what is going on?

we are all kinda loaded and would love to stash some stuff without having it disappear on server restart or even sooner.

Date/Time: sat 28.07.12

What happened: items disappearing in items, shifting back to original location over restart

Where you were: doesnt appear to be location specified

What you were doing: saving items, waiting 3 mins, restarting server

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: de 633

*Your system specs: not system related

*Timeline of events before/after error: saving, restarting, noticing AWESOME weapons missing...meh

thx for responses in advance

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We are having the Issue ever since as well. Whether it be 5 hours before restart, or 1 minute, vehicles are reverting to 2.3 inventories, dupping the old gear and deleting new gear.

Tents are also still wiping all contents on any restart, unless the tents are very old. Any tens placed within the last 2 weeks gets wiped instantly on restart.

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