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Better grass

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Hey guys!

I have a suggestion about the grass and bushes in the game. I think it would be better if they didn't fall down to the ground. When you crawl over them and stuff. It would give the game and bigger way to stealth and new players would get an easyer way to survive and the ghillie suit would be better then.

Hope you think of my suggestion.

Thanks for taking time to read this. :)

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I have to respectfully disagree, I think it's one of the elements of Arma 2 that makes it such a cool game. If you went out into a field and crawled around on the grass, it would stay down or at least be bent. It's something you have to think about in the game. Also, zombies don't notice where you've been crawling, so changing the grass wouldn't make it any harder or easier for new players.

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I don't think of you're suggestion at all.

It would make it more unrealstic, you are well hidden in the grass as it is. And also the grass falling down makes it easier to spot moving players, which is a really nice thing, because thats how it is in real life. It work as intended.

You just need to learn the basics first.

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Damn hipster post, bad suggestion.

One of the nice ways to track people, also is realistic and there for a reason

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Why wouldn't grass move and get rustled if you were crawling over it with a heavy pack and an assault rifle..

The Ghillie Suit already is good and Day Z isn't going to hold your hand.

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Okey i think you miss understand me a bit. Sorry for that. I mean that it shouldnt like fall all flat like a wall.

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Okey i think you miss understand me a bit. Sorry for that. I mean that it shouldnt like fall all flat like a wall.

Thats just a limitation in graphics, because grass in 3D is actually designed in flat plain polygons, its falling animation is limited to simply falling flat. if you ever touched a 3D program you would be able to appreciate how hard it is to get anything better going

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