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What do you do, to get that loot?

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So in my recent life, I have traveled from Zelenogorsk, to Stary (where I found a AKM and 5 mags) and then left and headed all over the map eventually making it to Berezino, and then on too NEAF where I got my first murder since I came back to the game 2 weeks ago. ( I had forgotten how much of a rush it was ) I do understand that the spawns are really rare. But you hear about all these people with cars full of L85s and DMRs and I just don't understand really. Do you go to Stary and setup and loot the spot every time it respawns? How long does it take to respawn? Can I camp in a control tower and just wait for the loot to pop up? Do you server hop once you get into a good loot spot? I am just curious because usually after I loot a spot 1 time I move on.

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  On 7/28/2012 at 5:08 PM, Bigstink said:

So in my recent life, I have traveled from Zelenogorsk, to Stary (where I found a AKM and 5 mags) and then left and headed all over the map eventually making it to Berezino, and then on too NEAF where I got my first murder since I came back to the game 2 weeks ago. ( I had forgotten how much of a rush it was ) I do understand that the spawns are really rare. But you hear about all these people with cars full of L85s and DMRs and I just don't understand really. Do you go to Stary and setup and loot the spot every time it respawns? How long does it take to respawn? Can I camp in a control tower and just wait for the loot to pop up? Do you server hop once you get into a good loot spot? I am just curious because usually after I loot a spot 1 time I move on.

You go to NWAF and hit the two barracks for guns better than that, or you luck out and run around the map to find crashed heli spawns.

Yesterday we found 3 crashed heli's, one had 3 M107's on it.

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Usually this groups of high-tech players are Clanmates or friends that loot the places mentioned above and they get this stuff pretty fast.

If you're playing solo I suggest you to:

- Play the Survivor card and loot the same places

- Play the Bandit card and kill one of those guys when they are alone.

Edited by Bianca

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Theres a guide somewhere about farming loot spawns, and apparently it was still working last patch. Something about removing everything from the loot piles in nwaf barracks so they can respawn again after 10 minutes. Havent done it myself as i dont really play with enough people to hang around places like that for very long. Theres a bunch of things u need to do for it to work so if youre interested youll have to do a search.

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Short answer; 1. Farming high end spawns in groups (the loot system is farmable when you know how it works) and 2. Duping items using Tent-related bugs.

DayZ is far too alpha for the item system to be robust.

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I've always played solo and don't have any trouble getting sweet loot. Heli crash sites are definitely the easiest way to get high-end weapons if you know how to search for them efficiently. I've never found anything worthwhile in NWAF (except from murders) even though I've been there 30+ times. But 8 times out of 10 when I set out to look for helis, I find one.

Just be sure to have a knife, a hatchet, matches and a water bottle before you leave the coast and you'll be self-sufficient like rambo.

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