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<F.E.A.R> Clan

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Hi and welcome to my Thread.

Im starting this thread to recruit new members to my clan and also so any players out there that suspect anyone in my clan to DC while in a gunfight i ask that you inform me and i will look into it, however removals from my clan would be limited as i would also need proof of the DC, if you could let me know the server, Time of DC and Player ID that would be great and i will try and contact server admins to look into this.

My in-game Name is <F.E.A.R> Ballard. If you would like to join the clan then that is great send me a pm my rules are simple:

NO DC'ING in a fight (kicked if found todo so)

Loot is shared equally

No team Killing

Shooting on Sight is allowed

If you die then you dont keep killing yourself to get somewhere better

You must have <F.E.A.R> in your Player id to be in the clan.

That is generally it but might get updated depending on what happens............

You will have a two week trial before you are actually incorporated into the clan, in these two weeks you will not learn of our Base Camp location due to security reasons.

You will usually receive a four strike count in warnings except for DC'ing that is an instant Kick.

The Members we have currently are:

<F.E.A.R> Ballard

<F.E.A.R> Snakeshit

<F.E.A.R> Zrex

<F.E.A.R> Smealy

<F.E.A.R> Marine 10108

<F.E.A.R> Infexious

<F.E.A.R> Shredergenetix

<F.E.A.R> The Holy Cow

<F.E.A.R> Kowalczyk

Trial Members:

<F.E.A.R> Acer

<F.E.A.R> BlueArrow

<F.E.A.R> Jakesvids

This will also be updated on successful in-corporation of joining us.

Let the bean hunting begin

Edited by Ballard
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Hey, I'm completely new to the game, but I learn fast and I've had alot of previous clan/gaming experience.

I would really appreciate it and I can use mumble/teamspeak/skype. And It's really helpfull to have someone to ask when wondering :)

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Hey, I'm completely new to the game, but I learn fast and I've had alot of previous clan/gaming experience.

I would really appreciate it and I can use mumble/teamspeak/skype. And It's really helpfull to have someone to ask when wondering :)

Hi whats your steam name PM me it so you dont get trolled lol ill add and we can speak

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Hey I'm looking for a decent group to play with and would love to see if this clan works out for me

I'll pm you my steam and skype

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Hi Dolok i couldnt find you on steam due to too many members with Dolok in their name can you please add me

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Hope theres still space, hopefully I settle down with this clan. ill pm my steam

Edited by xSebastian

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thanks for giving me a chance

Edited by AcerArX
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Always more space atm guys and pm'd you all look forward to playing

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Just to keep this updated we also now have our own mumble server set up by the generous <F.E.A.R> KowalczyK. Many Thanks for that.

Also just to update people we are still recruiting for another four people so far.

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Hi guys if anyone wants to join still or try out then please feel free to message me and ill send my steam to you

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Hello, my in game name is Dreadlordfrips and I joined a server UK 22 when there were some of your members set up in the firestation in elektro and they were quite formidable, we had a bit of a gunfight 1 vs 2, the 2 being FEAR members well myself was alone. The gun fight came to a bit of a stalemate but I noticed the clan tags which made me do some research. I have not joined any clans for games like Dayz and wanted to know if able to join how the clan would work exactly to the extent of is there a teamspeak/vent/skype meetings, certain servers you can go on, and all information needed to team up with other clan members. Thanks again, -Frips.

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interested....add me on skype at: nln4z or steam at : GH3OSTLY or PM me here

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i'm looking for some people to play with that dont turn there back on me, i'm interested.

add me on skype: braden.livingston1 or on steam: b_nana661 please

Edited by B_nana66

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Well lads im glad you encountered our boys, unfortunately I wasn't there myself to enjoy teaching you what <F.E.A.R> is all about :). Mind you sayin that smealy done a good enough job at making you scream like a girl.....However from what I see there about how you say you took most of them out it was only two of us chap.... And its funny how you chose to end that just after killing smealy abit too quickly really......hmm..... Well what can I say we have our good days and bad we are after all only human... Well played you seem co ordinated and work well I like that fancy a rematch im sure U will regret it we also have streamers you know So could be quite fun and is good to see my boys didn't dc. Thanx for sharing will update when im home as off to work n kinda hard to type on a phone....

Edited by Ballard

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Aha I remember this. I was in cherno and ran up the stairs while I noticed a fear member tailing me. I went prone in a room and as he went up the stairs I unloaded all the bullets on em. He killed me but I killed him to >:) dumb bandits.

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Well lads im glad you encountered our boys, unfortunately I wasn't there myself to enjoy teaching you what <F.E.A.R> is all about :). Mind you sayin that smealy done a good enough job at making you scream like a girl.....However from what I see there about how you say you took most of them out it was only two of us chap.... And its funny how you chose to end that just after killing smealy abit too quickly really......hmm..... Well what can I say we have our good days and bad we are after all only human... Well played you seem co ordinated and work well I like that fancy a rematch im sure U will regret it we also have streamers you know So could be quite fun and is good to see my boys didn't dc. Thanx for sharing will update when im home as off to work n kinda hard to type on a phone....

Yeah... not my clan. Found it on YouTube

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BUT.. SoM would love to take you up on the offer for a battle. Head to the site and send us a request on the contact us page and we can set up a battle. We fight fair so I expect the same from you...

Edited by Gary_Coleman

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BUT.. SoM would love to take you up on the offer for a battle. Head to the site and send us a request on the contact us page and we can set up a battle. We fight fair so I expect the same from you...

Interested, when you say fight fair we have only three rules no l85s in a clan fight after all you are fighting to see who has the quickest reflexes, sharpest eyes and better senses, and too see whos a better shot not for someone to spot a white blob and tell someone to shoot in that direction :P, also no dcing no matter what, and finally no hacks!!!!!!!. how about if you agree to this you get your guys to message me details...... we shall be awaiting....

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