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Temporary Blacklist for all Locked Servers > 0 players


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  1. 1. Blacklist locked servers for 72 hours?

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DE 646 locked most days with 3 people playing on it.


18:45 gmt

i took this screenshot

these 3 people come on my server and kill many with their top level gear they aquire from locking their server daily, yet i cannot join their server to return the favour

So you mean, 3 people with ghillie suits and AS50 snipe your players occasionally? Just like the othwer snipers who found their stuff on public servers? And this is a big problem on the contrary to hackers who nuke your whole server?

To be honest, every coordinated group of three people with some experience where to find stuff can get top level gear within two days. Being a gamma warrior is just as good as having your own server. And on a private server you have to find the stuff yourself, on public servers there are always the same places where people store their gear. (e.g. not too far from the southern shore, so that you can run there after a respawn without starving, At the edge of the map, whre no one has a reason to go, near a city with an almost never visited convenience store. Think of a small valley with some pine trees and some flat ground to hide a tent. There are very, very few places like this)

So you think making their server public would change anything? Or if they annoy you, would you like to... BAN them?

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So your argument is basically that people complain on the forums, so admins should be free to ignore the rules?

Yeah. Can't say I can get on board with that line of reasoning.

Latest and greatest example: DE7 admin's dupe farm gets called out in this thread: http://dayzmod.com/f...it-pics-inside/

And the server is immediately locked and passworded for the rest of the night.

So we have an admin-based team obviously exploiting duplication bugs, and then using a server password to protect their ill-gotten goods - which I'm sure they happily take to other servers.

Yeah, no, we should definitely just ignore these guys though. No need to enforce the rules. Let's just let them have their fun, right?

Fuck. That. And fuck you for making excuses for them. This is getting ridiculous.

I'm starting to rethink the whole "temporary" thing.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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I agree, along with the servers with side chat on and whatnot. All of it is against the rules of hosting and it seems no one is doing anything, I feel something should be done or the rules should be removed. What's the point in rules with no consequences?

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I tire of the constant whining, that's why.

There's no winning to this game. Its not about who can get the most gear (farming or not), or who gets the most kills (do teleporting hack kills show up?)

There's no rule book on how to play, some like the PvE, some PvP, some both.

I spend maybe 5 hours a week on it if I'm lucky and not busy with the wife, kids, work, etc...

I try to keep idiots off my server as best as I can, not much I can do about the battleye bypass ones. I'll ban if I find them, regardless of the "Rocket didn't say you can ban me for spawning uber gear...neaner, neaner"

Every other thread is titled. "Admin Absue: US XXX". Then you read it and its, "I just spawned in and the Admin teleported me to a mountain, stole all my gear, turned me into a goat and impregnated me". When you explain to them, Sorry Admins can't do that, you're met with, "Well my sisters friend read on a website from a Rocket interview that said Admins can do those things so it must be true". Its friggin mindless crap!

Again, grab a server, run it for a month, enjoy the garbage the self entitled community heaps on you....

OK, back to your crusade.......

Nobody here is disagreeing that Admins get overly accused of abuse here. We obviously do. We get villainized when half the time the incidents that happen to the vast majority of players have nothing to do with us.

That doesn't excuse locking your server for hours on end so you and your buddies can go farm gear. Trying to give a pass to this type of behavior just makes us as admins look bad. Don't disparage our cause - we've got plenty of people doing that already.

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Nobody here is disagreeing that Admins get overly accused of abuse here. We obviously do. We get villainized when half the time the incidents that happen to the vast majority of players have nothing to do with us.

That doesn't excuse locking your server for hours on end so you and your buddies can go farm gear. Trying to give a pass to this type of behavior just makes us as admins look bad. Don't disparage our cause - we've got plenty of people doing that already.

Let me restate yet again, neither US193 nor US566 have ever been locked or passworded.

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Oh my!

What will any of the rules mean if admins are just allowed to ignore them at will with no consequence?


In the 70´s there were no speedlimit in Europe.. and there were only 12% of 2011´s killed in traffic.

So Rules is there only for one reason. To Control the public.

I have been locking my server for days now. got blacklisted twice. called my bank and got them to roll back what i paid for the server. and rented another one.

I pay for the server and i want my freedom :P

Couldn't care less about the "Community" because when War Z is relased i am out of here :D

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In the 70´s there were no speedlimit in Europe.. and there were only 12% of 2011´s killed in traffic.

So Rules is there only for one reason. To Control the public.

I have been locking my server for days now. got blacklisted twice. called my bank and got them to roll back what i paid for the server. and rented another one.

I pay for the server and i want my freedom :P

Couldn't care less about the "Community" because when War Z is relased i am out of here :D

Mine was a mocking post, not the originator :)

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In the 70´s there were no speedlimit in Europe.. and there were only 12% of 2011´s killed in traffic.

So Rules is there only for one reason. To Control the public.

I have been locking my server for days now. got blacklisted twice. called my bank and got them to roll back what i paid for the server. and rented another one.

I pay for the server and i want my freedom :P

Couldn't care less about the "Community" because when War Z is relased i am out of here :D

These are the sort of people you're coming to the defense of jskibo...

I understand that being an admin can be a thankless job, though I take the time to thank them regularly here on the forums and on the servers themselves, but do you honestly support this kind of attitude and behavior?

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Or they can constantly loot barracks and tents to get an unfair advantage.

You can always run a server on your own to get the same advantage, if you like to. Well.... a server will cost you cash though.....

Whoever pays for something want to get something back. With the TOS of dayz you are only allowed to pay. So what you expect?

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I wonder when ppl are going to realize, that it is not possible to properly test a gaming software within a game everyone is able to join.

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I have a server of my own and some times there times you need to test the patch first before opening to the public i.e. We updated our server last night and when we all rejoined our bus turned into a bike and our boat turned into a atv? we where like WTF but because every one was already using the new vehicles we left it the way it was, now if we tested the server first we could of found out there was an issue but we did not and lost allot of crap :(

My point is I think it is OK to lock your server to test the new up date but yes locking it for over a day and having 5 people on there is a bit fishy.

Lol hey Cyborg, didn't expect to see you here.

IMO the OP has a point with servers being locked with 0+ people. Keep in mind that some server admins such as myself sometimes lock the server during updates. During that time I only join once or twice to make sure I spawn and can run around.etc after that I restart with no password and it's open to the public.

Keeping in mind this is still an alpha. I still remember how Minecraft was in it's alpha with no fences, sneaking or anything that we take for granted when playing. I'm not too hardcore on "banning and catching all those who are in the wrong" 24/7 as I believe that eventually all of this will be worked out once the game progresses. Cheaters are just a part of the process, you find a loophole or exploit and you fix it. Simple as that.

Edited by a lost sandwich

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A running gameserver costs money, thats a fakt. Other publishers like EA or Blizzard etc. paying a lot of money for their serverinfrastructure. When people spend their money to buy serverinfrastructure for an fantastic mmo "alpha" game like Dayz and the online community can play on those for free, they should be happy to do that. And if for some reasons, some servers are logged or password protectet, there is no reason to punish those who paid for the server.

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Another non-server admin pointing the finger at server admins...

"They're worse than hackers" that's right, server admins are worse than hackers :rolleyes:

Edited by Gogster

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"They're worse than hackers" that's right, server admins are worse than hackers :rolleyes:

An admin exploiting their position as the admin to gain an unfair advantage is just as bad as a hacker. The difference is that a hacker can gain an unfair advantage in less time.

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An admin exploiting their position as the admin to gain an unfair advantage is just as bad as a hacker. The difference is that a hacker can gain an unfair advantage in less time.

Duplicating items they've already found - when dual wielding comes in let me know.

Dig deep, rent your own server, spend your own time administering it, going through logs etc...

Then come back to me.

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Duplicating items they've already found - when dual wielding comes in let me know.

Dig deep, rent your own server, spend your own time administering it, going through logs etc...

Then come back to me.

I never said a thing about dual wielding or duplicating for that matter...

All I said was that admins that lock/password their server are exploiting their position as an admin to gain an unfair advantage.

Why do you want me to "Dig deep, rent my own server, spend my own time administering it, going through logs etc... and then come back to you"?

Do you honestly defend the rogue servers that farm equipment?

Do you lock your server?

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I never said a thing about dual wielding or duplicating for that matter...

All I said was that admins that lock/password their server are exploiting their position as an admin to gain an unfair advantage.

Why do you want me to "Dig deep, rent my own server, spend my own time administering it, going through logs etc... and then come back to you"?

Do you honestly defend the rogue servers that farm equipment?

Do you lock your server?

No I do not.

If they farm stuff so what, the benefits of spending £32 a month renting a server, as long as they're not hacking they're just as easy to kill.

But you're roping them in with the people who use GodMode, Teleport, spawnVehicle. That, I do not agree with.

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Duplicating items they've already found - when dual wielding comes in let me know.

Dig deep, rent your own server, spend your own time administering it, going through logs etc...

Then come back to me.

Is this your theme today, man?

Server admins pay money and invest time so the rules shouldn't apply to them?

Come on. I get that you're a little miffed; I assume someone called you out recently, or an admin you know? Take a breather. The rules are there for a reason. If following them is such an upsetting and stressful situation, then just stop hosting. As you say, it's hard work and often thankless and nobody is forcing you to do it.

And yes, honestly, I do believe abusive admins are as bad as hackers. Hackers are just bored assholes who don't really have respect for the game. People expect them to be jerks so it comes as no surprise when they are. But admins are in a position of authority. They're supposed to represent and support the community. While not operating as "official" officers of Bohemia, their actions reflect upon the product and company in a way that hackers do not.

In short, they have a responsibility and the ones who ignore the rules and abuse players do that responsibility a grave disservice and harm the integrity of the game and community in a way that normal hackers do not.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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No I do not.

If they farm stuff so what, the benefits of spending £32 a month renting a server, as long as they're not hacking they're just as easy to kill.

But you're roping them in with the people who use GodMode, Teleport, spawnVehicle. That, I do not agree with.

Because it's still breaking the rules, however you slice it.

I'm a server admin - does my opinion count for more with you? Locking your server to gain a tactical advantage is AGAINST THE RULES. Just like hacking is. You and I both know it's wrong, and you can't justify it by saying 'Well I pay for the server, I do what I want', just like you can't set a bomb off in an apartment just because you rent a room.

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LOL at the OP. Dude when r u going to realize nothing will ever happen to servers for kicking , locking , banning .... so lol.

The world works this way that if u pay 4 a server BABY UR DA BOSS!

Until the problems with hackers and server jumpers is fixed i will continue to kick as i please mofo :) suck my big hairy balls dude if u dont like it or pay 4 a server urself!

People who jump server to server are worse than hackers :) so i kick everybody i dont know out of the server dude, im up at about 1000 kicks now and not a peep from anybody :)

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Who cares.. There are 4K server.. You can only play on one at a time..If you have an issue where you don;t have a server near you.. Buy one and stop QQing.. Server Admin means nothing in this mod. They are more like Server owners.

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