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Evolution of the game

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Edit: This was meant for general discussion and posted on my phone so I didn't realize I was in the wrong forum, so if a mod would move it that would be awesome, I don't want to double post it

As the game grows and evolves, so does the metagame.

I'm going to make a comparison to a game that some people may or may not understand. So I'll try to speak in general terms.

DayZ is the null sec of eve. Lawless open space run by the players.

Can you survive in null sec alone, sure to a point. Eventually you will die and lose your stuff.

Corps (clans) run that whole area so you rarely see lone people running around and when try do, they get what they are looking for and gtfo.

I see the game evolving into group play, with solo play being possible, but not rewarding as group play so I naturally see the game taking that path.

Now the servers only support so many people so unless this gets changed players will still be able to play solo with a pretty decent success rate depending on how they play and how careful they are.

I'm curious about other peoples thoughts on the direction of the game.

Also before you come in with "lulz dm" at least back that up with a theory, but I really don't want it to devolve into a shoot on sight is ruining the game argument.

Edited by Swineflew

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I think this would be a natural step, but the mod is as we all know, still in Alpha. The developers have little or no support doing this, but hopefully that will change.

When they get more support to develop, I think more actions getting the game more teamplay friendly will be done. As of today it's very difficult to encourage other players to trust you and play with you, players you meet in game i mean. With friends you know from outside the game its more easy, but thats not for everyone, in fact the vast minority it seems. I see mostly solo players in DayZ.

We need more incentiv to teamplay, which hopefully will come later on. For now we just have to try harder with what we have..

Myself for instance takes the whole game less seriously. I run around not caring to much about farming gear, things come along when i move along.. I try to seek out players for some fun. Sure, I die and lose alot of gear, but so what? It's more exciting, especially when I find a trustworthy player, then it's super awesome! :)

Main step to achieve this is not to give a shit about you're gear.. I don't make the game about "phat lootz" or whatever you guys call it.

Edit: Should have added a final sentence or two. Make the game about having fun with other players, atleast some of the time. Be it running around in the forest saying crazy shit over voicechat, trolling other players with some fun stuff. Or maybe hunt another team, atleast you would do it together.

Edited by Hyd

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Single players can benefit alot from thinking more too. I've spent alot of time solo in DayZ, and when I am I rarely meet people cause I'm always travelling through forests, and avoiding any town that doesnt have anything useful to me. When I hit the airfield or stary camps solo I move in through forests at off angles where people rarely go and watch and wait, scanning the other tree lines. Then go in, search the place and leave through the most direct route and off again into the forests to head to the next area.

Alot of times when I see players getting killed solo its either in the starting areas or because they like to travel through open fields or just draw a straight line from where they are to where they are going. One night at NW I was attacked by 5 guys, by running around behind buildings, and taking over in trees I managed to get 4 of them and left the last to run away (I wasnt aggressive enough to follow). This isnt because I'm necessarily a better shot or I'm super leet. I just saw what I had to work with and used the terrain against them and let them follow me from 1 spot to the next.

Two of the best guys I play with joined the clan after I shot one of them in Cherno. Came under fire from somewhere by an AK. Ran through the buildings and up a ladder to behind where I thought he was, shot someone on the roof. Once I came up to him I realized he didnt have an AK and healed him up. Been playing together ever since.

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