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Servers and maxping

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Why? Why the hell you all lock servers with maxping? Kicked by 100 ping, 80, 200, etc. Ok, some servers have warning about maxping in their hostname, but almost all - no. When i connecting ~3 min and got kicked due ping it makes me frustrated. I can understand locking server to 300 or above, but 100, 60? You serious? I can't play on servers, where I have a low ping - those server full all time. And wherever I can - i got kicked due high ping.

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What i find most annoying about ping limits is when they are set to 150-160 lol.

I understand what PING means, and how it is affected and what-not but i find it frustrating because I play with

americans and on a good day my ping is 120 to central, however whenever a player joins it spikes to 160 or if my ISP

is acting up my ping will sit around 140-145 without any user login spikes... =[

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There's a cushion there. I've watched the BERcon before and seen folks spike to 200 and hover at 156 and stay connected fine.

It even takes 60 to 90 secon to kick those that join at 800

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Several times I was kicked due ping ~110, so I dont think, that most servers locked on 150. I dont understand, what problem with ping? I played with 250 ping many times and got normal game (pve and pvp) without lags and any troubles. But I played many times on low-ping servers (~30-40) and sometimes got lags. It problem of server, not ping. I want to say that the lags and ping not interrelated in most cases. So why limit players to choose a server?

Edited by EqualEcho

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