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Item Dissapearing/Death by tree

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Date/Time: 28/07/12 - approximatly 03:00 AM

What happened: Entered a shed where a tree was poking through (i was browsing residentials for a ghillie) in which the tree broke me, made me bleed and then finished me off - after getting back to body (found a crash site on the way with a ghillie <_<) and then got to my body and obtained my gear, played later and found my backpack was reversed to the starting Coyote Patrol

Where you were: In the first enterable residential in Rogovo approaching from the main road from Pogorevka.

What you were doing: Looking for a ghillie suit inside a small shack/shed (loss of items was not implemented untill 30 minutes later when i logged on again to play with a friend)

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: LU258

Items i lost: Mountain Dew (the thing i miss most), Coyote Backpack (24 Slot) AS50 with ammo along with some medical supplies and food/water.

Overview: Died to a tree and a shed who teamed up against me, when logging onto another server it swapped my coyote backpack with a coyote patrol pack (it did move over some items such as antibiotics and some food/drink but lost my AS50 in the process)

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Crap, send a report instead of replying :) poor english I gues :).

Confirm mad-tree-killings. 4 times, last 3 days.

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