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When will servers with IDs over 6000 get vehicles?

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Read OP. As of right now, servers assigned an instance id that is 6001+ do not have vehicles spawning. I was told by vilayer that they were having a meeting to figure out when they were being implemented. It's kind of a big let down to have a server with no vehicles, and most players who join searching for vehicles aren't that happy when they find out there's none to be had.

Any ideas?

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What's your instance ID and which version are you running.

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I have I.D. #6059 and we have no vehicles yet either?

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Instance: 8023

Location: DE 1431

I am running (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95417) and i also have no vehicles :(

Can you help me Vipeax?

greetings from Switzerland.

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