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Can't Receive Blood Transfusion (But I Can Give)

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Date/Time: 22/05/2012 | All day

What happened: I was sitting at 7k blood and 2 of my friends were trying to give me a blood transfusion, but they didn't have the option to do so. When I hovered over them and had a blood bag, I had the option to give a blood transfusion.

TL;DR: Could give blood transfusion but couldn't receive.

Where you were: Irrelevant.

What you were doing: Trying to get a blood transfusion.

Current installed version:

Server(s) you were on: NY7/8

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Not able to administer or receive blood from bloodpack.

Date/Time: 5/23/2012

What happened: Can't administer bloodpack to partner or receive transfusion from partner

Where you were: In the woods

What you were doing: administer bloodpack

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: TX1

*Your system specs: very good and stable

*Timeline of events before/after error: Partner and I are low on blood. I had a bloodpack which i tried to administer. Went to Gear, rightclick pack..but no options appeared. Same for my partner who tried to administer to me.

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I have the same bug.

Not able to administer blood transfusion/blood pack

Date/Time: 5/23/2012

What happened: Can't administer bloodpack to partner

Where you were: In the hangars at N/W Airfield

What you were doing: Administer bloodpack

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: DE1 I think it was

*Your system specs: HP Elitebook 8730w

*Timeline of events before/after error: I found a lonely and scared russian that wanted me to help him. He gave the blood pack to me but I could not perform it. Nothing happened when I tried to right click in the inventory. The scroll options was not there either.

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Having this problem with My health is 3000, my friend has a blood pack but can't heal me. I healed him no problem. Gahhh 8 days alive and can't heal.

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Its tied in with the interaction menu bug. You can only perform 1 interaction and then your menu will be stuck on it. 1 way around this is to log out and log back in

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