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Combination of issues

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So here is my conundrum:

I was experiencing pretty bad lag and decided to play some single player.

Knowing single player was disabled with the new update I opened OA and went to the expansions menu and clicked to disable dayz. I restarted as prompted but upon restart dayz had enabled itself again.

I then opened OA through sixlauncher in order to try the same method (after reading in a post that it works) but the disable button does not light up in the expansions menu when dayz or anything is selected.

Lastly I tried to open OA through the original .exe file (not expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe shortcut) but that gives me the "error creating direct3d 9 graphical engine" message.

This annoys the crap out of me, I've scoured the forums and can't seem to find a solution to this one. Anyone else experience this?

Despite the bugs, hackers, bandits and just general technical problems I still come back to this game, sucker for punishment I guess.

I'm running up to date versions of everything on a retail version with sixlauncher.

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Try using the original ArmA2OA.exe rather than the beta one (if you are using it). Otherwise try adding this to your launch options "-beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion"

If that does not work try adding this; "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash" and ensure you remove -mod=@DayZ

Have you tried manually moving the @DayZ folder out of the OA directory, then simply moving it back once you have finished playing singleplayer?

Edited by Aftershok

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Have you tried manually moving the @DayZ folder out of the OA directory, then simply moving it back once you have finished playing singleplayer?

Well I'll be f___ed, that worked a treat.

Moved the folder and could access single player menu, moved it back loaded as dayz normally.

Thanks very much for the assist. If I see you out there in dayz Aftershok I'll be sure not to shoot.

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How the hell do I do this? I'm having the exact same problem.

Can't access the singeplayer menu on DayZ, but can't load the DayZ SP on anything else as it tells me I'm missing the Day Z content.

Edited by JayB

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can't load the DayZ SP

Wasn't meaning DayZ single player, just Arma and OA.

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