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I got all my friends killed

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We were a group of around 5, surviving in the north quite successfully. We were in the process of raiding a supermarket in some far-away place up north when I got tagged by some zombies and decided to lose them in the forest hills since I have the world's loudest gun. My friends decided to go loot the supermarket while I cleared the area, so we split up. Fastforward about 5 minutes of benny hill, the zombies were lost and by mere chance I happened to stumble upon a hill which had a perfect lookout over the supermarket covering all doors. On voip I heard my friends being excited about all the loot they found, untill I noticed 2 female survivors running from the treeline.

My first friend only saw one of them and assumed it was me, I however said it wasn't and they closed the doors, hoping for a peacefull encounter. Understand we have never really assaulted anyone, or shot anyone for that matter, whenever we came remotely close to other players we hid or avoided them, even the beaners despite severely outgunning them.

For some odd reason I knew the survivors were going to kill my friends, but I could not bring myself to snipe them from afar despite having the perfect opportunity for about 10 seconds while they sat still reloading. Then as I watched trough my scope, the doors opened and smoke and fire lit up the room. I heard my friends screaming on voip as they dropped one by one.

Obviously when it became quiet I drilled a couple of bullits trough their heads and ran over to salvage what I could from my friends.

Ever since I have not felt any remorse over killing anyone, even if they ran away from us, or if they were only armed with hatchets.

Another group has adopted Kill on Sight mentality.

Edited by MonMarty

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Sad story. Why didn't you kill them?

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The real downside here is not that you allowed all of your friends to die, it's that you let them all die to a couple of girls.

(srry, couldnt resist)

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Not killing on sight is for noobs.

You can trust only unarmed.

You can't, the moment you look away and they happen to find a hatchet you are dead.

Edited by Sakeoe

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