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So me and my buddy Tex are on a very low population server(me, him, wreckless, and another guy) chilling in cherno using zombies for target practice and participating in some general jackassery.. I'm in the southwestern apartments across from the hospital shooting zombies from the windows, Tex is on the tall 6 story building with the open stairwell... I get bored and decide I'm gonna head back down and move to another building for a better vantage point for more target practice... Start walking down the steps and suddenly get lit up through the window, breaking my legs.. Totally caught me off guard.. Seems Wreckless had heard our jackassery and waited on the hospital roof for me to head back down.. Well soon as my legs break I try to hide behind the wall, but my face didn't want to fit and Wreckless finished me off... 5 days of survival ended over some bored fun... I had all the survival necessities, NV, MK 48 Mod 0, M4A3 CCO... But the good news, instead of making a run for my body, Wreckless tries to run around the back side of the apartment and promptly eats 30 rounds of Tex's SAW... No major damage done, I got all my stuff back.. Just wanted to give Wreckless a shout out for catching me with my pants down... Just goes to show if you're on a low pop. server just trying to dick around with some friends you still gotta keep an eye out for other players... Nice try dude

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