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bodily functions.

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I think it would be neat to have the need to pee and poop. I mean players eat right? why not have to have them excrete their accumulated drink and food. Plus the bonus risk of getting shot while taking a dump in the woods.. . I'm serious here.

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This one seems like a good idea, but you have to look into pro's and cons.

There would be so much trolling with these...

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They should make it that there's flies sounds that are around recent waste. They'd probably add sounds for this which may be off putting and this has already been put up as a suggestion in MUCH DETAIL! Search it....

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Considering players are consuming one big ass can of beans every 20 minutes, I'm guessing taking a dump would be something spontaneous and constant. I vote for removal of player's pants texture so it would be more realistic. Or make the back of their pants have a dark brown stain.

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Cons - Extra animations and coding

Pros - Nothing

All this does is add extra work to the team and has no real affect on the game at all


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Get attacked by Zed's while taking a dump!

Need a poll on that. Would you continue to pop, or run will it dangles and you pinch off what you can while the head pops out. :thumbsup: :lol:

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Get attacked by Zed's while taking a dump!

Need a poll on that. Would you continue to pop, or run will it dangles and you pinch off what you can while the head pops out. :thumbsup: :lol:


threads these days

makes sense (but not totally nessecary.) +1.

*shoots annoying bandit*

*poops in dead bandit's face*

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