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4 slugs from a .45 to kill a zed?

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Its gotta be a fucking joke?

I thought this game was supposed to be about REALISM??

Edited by MadMax

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Rocket has been talking on reddit, changes are going to be made but they have so much testing. Be patient, it will get fixed mate.


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It's a shame you can still kill zombies without shooting them in the head.

Question: Why not?

They're not "vodoo-zombies", no magic here, at least none is implied by the story. They're just humans on rabies, with some bonuses, and some downsides, too. Physics and biology still apply mostly.

Example: If I load their legs with bullets they have to collapse eventually. Or torso, if you want.

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Can someone post a link to where on reddit rocket announces this stuff?

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It was ArmA 2 that nerfed the weapons, not DayZ. So changes would be made, and personally I like the whole 'Zombies are harder to kill' thing. If they reduced the speed on them to a hobble, I think it would work well.

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