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Possible fix for people experiencing graphical artifacts

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I've read one or two posts and have experienced some graphical artifacts since the new version ( Not sure what happened but I have found a solution to fix it when it occurs after experimenting with the graphics options. What you have to do is: Go into Video Options and then change the Video Memory value to something other than what it is currently set on. Hopefully this will help people that are having this issue, it has happened twice to me and both times this solution has worked.

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I had some bad ass artefacts last night, Was looting NW airfield with NVG's and there were huge "iceberg" pyramids sticking out of the ground all over the place. I haven't had it today so I can only assume it had something to do with the NVG view.

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Well it's set to default P:

First i started expiriencing those when arma got patched to 1.62 but the game was still playble since they only ocured by looking at certain angle in big towns and not everywhere. SInce dayz got pactched few days ago it became constant so right now the game is not playble unless you stay away from towns . Thx for the solution tho will give it a try.

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