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Why do regular/recruit servers exist?

Should regular servers exist?  

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Makes sense since everyone that plays this game isn't a casual gamer. I for one welcome our veteran overlords.

This game isn't meant to be friendly to any gamer. While I hate the term casual, rocket has called this an anti-game several times.

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People have different ways to play a game, I do not think ANY of the difficulties need to be removed.

Not that simple since you can acquire gear on easy servers for your use on veteran/expert servers. Would be cool if to go from a server with difficulty A to one with B you would have to start over and stuff.

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The ONLY options server owners should have are 3rd person and crosshair.


every server needs to be expert, everything shut off, including death messages, period

one setting accross every server

same dayz experience for every player accross every server

dayz is not to have it comfy and easy

Edited by Azrail

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every server needs to be expert, everything shut off, including death messages, period

one setting accross every server

same dayz experience for every player accross every server

dayz is not to have it comfy and easy

You're implying that the mod is comfy and easy simply because certain players have crosshairs and the ability to use third-person.

It's not. Especially when you consider that other people have the same advantage as you do, thus nullifying any perks you had over them.

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You're implying that the mod is comfy and easy simply because certain players have crosshairs and the ability to use third-person.

It's not. Especially when you consider that other people have the same advantage as you do, thus nullifying any perks you had over them.

Until you switch to a vet server fully stocked...

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OP, you care a little bit too much about where others choose to connect to play. If you don't want to play on Regular/Recruit servers.. uh.. don't. Your poll/request/demand makes zero sense.

Edited by EliJRn

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Until you switch to a vet server fully stocked...

In which case you would be going up against people who have the same advantages (or disadvantages, depending on how you look at it) as you do.

You still have to actually find and acquire the weapons and resources in order to transfer them over. If anything, acquiring said weapons is even more difficult on a Regular server than it is in a Veteran server.

Let's say Player A wants to find a decent sniper rifle so that he can then transfer over to a Veteran server. So, he heads to Elektro on a Regular server, thinking that the use of crosshairs, third-person, and nametags will make his quest easier. Unfortunately for Player A, Player B, who is fully equipped with a DMR and a ghillie suit, is sitting up on a hill and sees Player A carefully waltz into one of Elektro's fire stations. Because Player B can easily see the distance of the shot, it only takes one shot to execute Player A. Player A no longer has an advantage.

Let's say Player A decides that he wants a nice M4A3 CCO SD instead. So, he heads to the Northwest Airfield to do a bit of item cycling. As Player A is investigating a hanger, Player C, who has the CCO SD that Player A so desperately covets, uses third-person to his advantage to peek inside of the hangar and takes Player A out.

You see what I mean? It's not like Regular servers are these gigantic loot farms where everything is easier. Sure, perhaps it's easier to find and kill a target because of the various perks Regular servers have - but it's just as easy for other players to find you.

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You're implying that the mod is comfy and easy simply because certain players have crosshairs and the ability to use third-person.

It's not. Especially when you consider that other people have the same advantage as you do, thus nullifying any perks you had over them.

1 - Goes to a church

2 - Gets shot by a guy who was hiding in the inner corner and watching you as you enter using his magical third eye which is invisible and floats over his head

3 - ???

4 - Concludes sometimes you don't have the same advantage.

But the worst are the people who crawl on the top of buildings sticking their faces to a concrete wall only to see the whole city and snipe fools.

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This is NOT a 1st person/3rd person debate, this is about unifying DayZ with ONE gamemode and removing all the easy mode servers.

A case for and against 3rd person can be made, though I believe it should be a server side option (not to mention the hackers would be using it anyway).

This is about the other differences between regular/veteran servers, such as name tags.

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Zombies deal more damage on vet servers right?

So i wont play on these servers until the zombies stop bugging and lagging like shit.

Btw. there are enough regular servers without 3dp, ch and nametags

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In which case you would be going up against people who have the same advantages (or disadvantages, depending on how you look at it) as you do.

You still have to actually find and acquire the weapons and resources in order to transfer them over. If anything, acquiring said weapons is even more difficult on a Regular server than it is in a Veteran server.

Let's say Player A wants to find a decent sniper rifle so that he can then transfer over to a Veteran server. So, he heads to Elektro on a Regular server, thinking that the use of crosshairs, third-person, and nametags will make his quest easier. Unfortunately for Player A, Player B, who is fully equipped with a DMR and a ghillie suit, is sitting up on a hill and sees Player A carefully waltz into one of Elektro's fire stations. Because Player B can easily see the distance of the shot, it only takes one shot to execute Player A. Player A no longer has an advantage.

Let's say Player A decides that he wants a nice M4A3 CCO SD instead. So, he heads to the Northwest Airfield to do a bit of item cycling. As Player A is investigating a hanger, Player C, who has the CCO SD that Player A so desperately covets, uses third-person to his advantage to peek inside of the hangar and takes Player A out.

You see what I mean? It's not like Regular servers are these gigantic loot farms where everything is easier. Sure, perhaps it's easier to find and kill a target because of the various perks Regular servers have - but it's just as easy for other players to find you.

There is also the issue of the zombies becoming near negligable, you can see their and makes avoidance 10x easier.

Certainly the PvP is an equal playing field (although anyone with a sniper is nearly invincible). Considering that they can hit anything with an exact reading of it's distance. Would it not make much more sense to all use the same kind of server? Besides the fact that you may play and never run into a player, making the npcs the only threat.

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1 - Goes to a church

2 - Gets shot by a guy who was hiding in the inner corner and watching you as you enter using his magical third eye which is invisible and floats over his head

3 - ???

4 - Concludes sometimes you don't have the same advantage.

But the worst are the people who crawl on the top of buildings sticking their faces to a concrete wall only to see the whole city and snipe fools.

1 - Enter a church

2 - Use your own magical third eye to check your corners as you reach the main door, as well as the inner corners.

3 - See somebody camping the corner.

4 - Kill him

5 - ???

6 - Enjoy the free murder.

As for people sitting on top of buildings...that's a matter of you not using proper survival instincts. I've only had the game for a few days, but I've already learned that if I want to enter a main coastal city, I'm going to need either binoculars or a scoped weapon. Once I have either of those, I use the terrain to my advantage to find any snipers, particularly the ones on rooftops. This tactic works in every major city. If you consider that "too much work" simply to get inside the city, then you obviously don't need those medical supplies or weapons very badly.

The one thing that this community needs to learn is that, as opposed to complaining about things that seem "unfair" or "overpowered," they need to instead adapt to other people's playstyles and the changes in the game. We, as gamers, have grown whiny and belligerent towards changing how we play. We choose to insist that the game is wrong and needs to be changed.

Rocket has said multiple times, and I quote,

The bad guys are doing way fucking better at this game than the good guys. Because the good guys keep coming on the forums to post how the bad guys win.

I think maybe you guys are too used to "balance" and the game simply supporting your choice to play in a certain way.

And he's right. He's completely right.

Edited by Nalestom

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There is also the issue of the zombies becoming near negligable, you can see their and makes avoidance 10x easier.

Certainly the PvP is an equal playing field (although anyone with a sniper is nearly invincible). Considering that they can hit anything with an exact reading of it's distance. Would it not make much more sense to all use the same kind of server? Besides the fact that you may play and never run into a player, making the npcs the only threat.

The zombies in general need to be fixed. That, I agree with. I think zombies should be a considerable threat, considering they're what caused this whole post-apocalyptic scene that the mod is set in. At the moment, they're a minor annoyance that can be disposed of as soon as you find either a building or a nice, quiet forest.

But PVP is still an equal playing field, regardless of whether or not you have a sniper rifle. Once you've spent quite a bit of time as a sniper, you know how to look for their camouflage and cover. There are tons of places (especially near Elektro - my god, the hills by the power station are a sniper haven and easy prey for counter-snipers like me) that become normal sniper spots. Sure, to the sniper lurking over his unsuspecting victim in the city below the hill, it's a relatively easy shot - but instead of getting rid of nametags, third-person, crosshairs, and so on, why wouldn't the victim just change his or her playstyle? Stay behind cover, never stay still unless you're in completely enclosed cover, always watch for zombies and try not to aggro them (which shouldn't be difficult, considering it's a Regular server, but sometimes even the best of us mess up a little.)

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Because Im not a hardcore PC gamer, so its tough getting used to mouse and keys alone, So I play on Regular. Whats the Beanz ? Play how you wanna play and let others play how they wish.

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Why are there 'expert' servers that have third person enabled? Then you've got 'hardcore' servers which is just hilarious.

Don't worry, eventually there will be no difficulty settings.

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The zombies in general need to be fixed. That, I agree with. I think zombies should be a considerable threat, considering they're what caused this whole post-apocalyptic scene that the mod is set in. At the moment, they're a minor annoyance that can be disposed of as soon as you find either a building or a nice, quiet forest.

But PVP is still an equal playing field, regardless of whether or not you have a sniper rifle. Once you've spent quite a bit of time as a sniper, you know how to look for their camouflage and cover. There are tons of places (especially near Elektro - my god, the hills by the power station are a sniper haven and easy prey for counter-snipers like me) that become normal sniper spots. Sure, to the sniper lurking over his unsuspecting victim in the city below the hill, it's a relatively easy shot - but instead of getting rid of nametags, third-person, crosshairs, and so on, why wouldn't the victim just change his or her playstyle? Stay behind cover, never stay still unless you're in completely enclosed cover, always watch for zombies and try not to aggro them (which shouldn't be difficult, considering it's a Regular server, but sometimes even the best of us mess up a little.)

It's much harder to train your eye to spot camo, and bet on the risk, that maybe, that really is just a bush, much different than a giant green sign saying "I'm over here! Here!" The issue with changing your playstyle to deal with the unrealistic benefits snipers have, is not realistic and can break immersion. The ability to see yourself on the map destroys the need for a gps (A rare piece of loot), and the crosshairs destroy rangefinders and the need for a spotter (Unrealistic and another rare piece of loot). Why add these things if it was intended to give these advantages?

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1 - Enter a church

2 - Use your own magical third eye to check your corners as you reach the main door, as well as the inner corners.

3 - See somebody camping the corner.

4 - Kill him

5 - ???

6 - Enjoy the free murder.

LOL, good luck coming close enough to the inner corner without getting a bullet to the head. Maybe if the other player sucks bad. Far from free murder tho.

As for people sitting on top of buildings...that's a matter of you not using proper survival instincts. I've only had the game for a few days, but I've already learned that if I want to enter a main coastal city, I'm going to need either binoculars or a scoped weapon. Once I have either of those, I use the terrain to my advantage to find any snipers, particularly the ones on rooftops. This tactic works in every major city. If you consider that "too much work" simply to get inside the city, then you obviously don't need those medical supplies or weapons very badly.

So they can see the whole city while crawling because I am not using my survival instincts? Nice try. I don't have problems with 3rd person abusing people because, unlike you might think, I do use "proper survival instincts". That doesn't makes the abuse of the 3rd person cam any less of a dumb exploit people shouldn't have to adapt to. This mod is about realism after all. We shouldn't work around bs like this, if we didn't had to maybe the newcomers would also have a better time.

The one thing that this community needs to learn is that, as opposed to complaining about things that seem "unfair" or "overpowered," they need to instead adapt to other people's playstyles and the changes in the game. We, as gamers, have grown whiny and belligerent towards changing how we play. We choose to insist that the game is wrong and needs to be changed.

3rd person is unrealistic, period. We don't have many things in this mod because it's unrealistic. This is not a playstyle, thats a lame exploit. Seeing a whole city while crawling on top of a building is WRONG, no matter how hard you try to defend it by saying it's a playstyle and that there are ways to counter it.

Rocket has said multiple times, and I quote,

And he's right. He's completely right.

Never in the history of mankind a quote so unrelated has been used in a post.

But PVP is still an equal playing field, regardless of whether or not you have a sniper rifle. Once you've spent quite a bit of time as a sniper, you know how to look for their camouflage and cover. There are tons of places (especially near Elektro - my god, the hills by the power station are a sniper haven and easy prey for counter-snipers like me) that become normal sniper spots. Sure, to the sniper lurking over his unsuspecting victim in the city below the hill, it's a relatively easy shot - but instead of getting rid of nametags, third-person, crosshairs, and so on, why wouldn't the victim just change his or her playstyle? Stay behind cover, never stay still unless you're in completely enclosed cover, always watch for zombies and try not to aggro them (which shouldn't be difficult, considering it's a Regular server, but sometimes even the best of us mess up a little.)

tl;dr: Instead of getting rid of broken exploitable mechanics thus leading to a better experience, "adapt" to them.

You know... It's not like we get our asses handed to us on regular servers... It's just that it's full of completely unnecessary crap that only hurts gameplay and nullifies the utility of many rare items.

Edited by Panque

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It's much harder to train your eye to spot camo, and bet on the risk, that maybe, that really is just a bush, much different than a giant green sign saying "I'm over here! Here!" The issue with changing your playstyle to deal with the unrealistic benefits snipers have, is not realistic and can break immersion. The ability to see yourself on the map destroys the need for a gps (A rare piece of loot), and the crosshairs destroy rangefinders and the need for a spotter (Unrealistic and another rare piece of loot). Why add these things if it was intended to give these advantages?

I think nametags should be removed, but I think that some way of enabling them for friends should be added. I'm not going to argue against the removal of nametags. It's largely third-person and crosshairs that I'm arguing against, because there's simply no reason to remove them. They are not "advantages" over other players because 1) you have the same advantages, and 2) there are ways to counter them.

Changing your playstyle and adapting your tactics using prior experience is not at all unrealistic, nor does it break immersion. By that logic, if my playstyle is to run balls-deep into Elektro with an M249, shooting every zombie in my path while screaming into my mic through Direct Communication, the mod should be adjusted so that my playstyle is viable.

Look, we were all noobs once. We all blindly ran into Elektro and were either eaten by zombies, or shot up by other survivors who knew that running down the street was a terrible idea. The key part is learning from each death - analyzing what you did wrong, absorbing that knowledge, then adapting how you play accordingly. That's not unrealistic at all. That's called "intelligence."

And finally, I'm not discussing the ability to see exactly where you are on the map. Yes, that's unfair, and new players shouldn't have to rely on a crutch such as that to navigate around Chernarus. The same goes for being able to see the distance between you and a point that you're looking at.

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LOL, good luck coming close enough to the inner corner without getting a bullet to the head. Maybe if the other player sucks bad. Far from free murder tho.

Well, then I guess you'll either learn not to enter churches, or pray that the other player is bad. (Ha, get it!? Because it's a church? Praying? Ah, never mind.)

So they can see the whole city while crawling because I am not using my survival instincts? Nice try. I don't have problems with 3rd person abusing people because, unlike you might think, I do use "proper survival instincts". That doesn't makes the abuse of the 3rd person cam any less of a dumb exploit people shouldn't have to adapt to. This mod is about realism after all. We shouldn't work around bs like this, if we didn't had to maybe the newcomers would also have a better time.

3rd person is unrealistic, period. We don't have many things in this mod because it's unrealistic. This is not a playstyle, thats a lame exploit. Seeing a whole city while crawling on top of a building is WRONG, no matter how hard you try to defend it by saying it's a playstyle and that there are ways to counter it.

Exploit or not, it's there. It's present in the mod. People use it all the time, unless you stay completely away from Regular servers. If you don't want to deal with the bullshit, then get off Regular servers. Personally, I'll choose to adapt to the situation and avoid entering a city until I'm completely sure that all rooftops are clear. I discourage players from following the "let's camp on top of a tall building" playstyle by killing them on top of tall buildings from a distance.

Never in the history of mankind a quote so unrelated has been used in a post.

I don't see how it's unrelated at all. Complain all you want about the fact that Regular server players can use third-person, but your complaint won't make it all change with a snap of a finger. Evolving and adapting around it is the best temporary solution. Complain about it in between game sessions if you wish.

tl;dr: Instead of getting rid of broken exploitable mechanics thus leading to a better experience, "adapt" to them.

You know... It's not like we get our asses handed to us on regular servers... It's just that it's full of completely unnecessary crap that only hurts gameplay and nullifies the utility of many rare items.

You know, I'm only one guy. I play on Regular and Veteran servers alike, and I do my best to avoid using the crutches that the Regular servers provide. I won't deny that they're crutches and carry certain players through the game, and I won't claim to be omnipotent and believe that everything I say is 100% right. Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe they're truly exploits when it comes to DayZ. But I prefer to take the passive-aggressive approach to cheap tactics such as abusing third-person. And that approach is adapting to players who decide that they want to follow that playstyle and killing them.

It's basic strategy. Analyze your opponent's strategy, and fabricate one that destroys it. That's my approach. So far, it's working for me. This is my fourth day of survival, and I bought the game a week ago.

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They should.

Without the ability to customize our characters to distinguish ourselves to our friends. Name plates allow those of us who don't just open fire at anything that moves, to tell who each other are.

Also, considering this world does have hackers/cheaters and mass combat dcing. Being able to tell who is doing what and being able to report them is very important.

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Go back to CoD?

That makes no sense whatsoever in the context of this thread or anything I've said.

What people like shouldn't even enter into it, people don't like dying in DayZ either but they won't stop crying about that, will they?

This is about REALISM and being more difficult.

Now I know a lot of players want the game to hold their hand for them, but I don't think rocket intends the game to do that.

A good step towards that would be to remove the handholding regular/recruit servers and eject these crybabies into the real world of veretan play.

Whilst I agree with some of what you say, you sir, are an arrogant arse. Stop having a tantrum because other players prefer a different style or servers are using different (legimate) options. Dry your eyes, put your dummy back in and enjoy playing DayZ.

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The poll is missing the option "I don't give a shit".

Give a shit enough to tell us how much you don't give a shit, shit?


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Third-person was designed specifically with the use of checking corners and providing overwatch without placing yourself in harm. In almost any third-person shooter, this is the case - I cite APB: Reloaded as an example. In APB, third-person is part of the metagame. You use third-person to your advantage, as does the person you're fighting. As opposed to getting rid of the concept entirely, why not embrace it and adapt to it?

Crosshairs were designed specifically to assist the player in aiming when the player is not using or is not able to use their iron sights. The only possible "exploit" in using them is that they're as accurate as using the iron sights. However, that's actually extremely realistic - the accuracy of your gun and the direction of your bullets doesn't change simply because your eyes aren't aiming down your weapon's iron sights.

Nametags are the only thing I can see that are truly "exploitable." I'd be okay with removing them, because it's not realistic in any sense to be able to scan the horizon and magically find out a person's name and distance from you.

In any case, why would a person who regularly plays on Server B hop over to Server A for the sole purpose of grabbing gear? For one, everybody in Server A is on a level playing field when it comes to what crutches they have at their disposable. Secondly, the only thing that could possibly affect Server B from Player A's adventures in Server A is the number of rare items in Server B - which, due to the mechanics of the Hive, is skewed anyway.

Nametags and 3rd person are exploitable crutches, crosshairs are a crutch for people with no spatial sense.

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