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Why do regular/recruit servers exist?

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You shouldn't reply to a post if you only barely scan it and respond to a single sentence or two without bothering to note the context and larger point of the entire post. You clearly haven't understood the overall point that first post of mine here clearly made.

stop replying to everyone with negative comments.

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I totally understand from the " no x-hairs " since when you're sniping and someone is counter-sniping and they can just move their cursor over a mountain and find someone is quite annoying, but 3rd person is honestly not so bad, this is like comparing Diablo 3 Softcore to hardcore(I know its a crappy game) But you can't complain about certain rules/game options, not everyone is hardcore/good at games, and would like more of an casual approach. You can sit here and whine, cry, get upset because there is other servers with lower expectations for newbs, but why does it really matter? If someone joined your " expert server " and killed you with items they may have received off Reg/recruit, why does it matter? You still died. You can't get attached to items, vehicles because if you do, you'll just get upset when you die LOL.

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You're arguing that using 3rd person, using crosshairs, and having the ability to see nametags is something that can be "exploited." They are not exploits. If they were exploits, then Rocket would simply blacklist all of the servers that utilize them.

Let's go back to your scenario. Player A, who plays on Server A, which allows 3rd person, crosshairs, and nametags, will become used to those crutches (because in the end, that's what they are - crutches that allow players to hobble along and progress further in the game without improving their various survival skills.) Therefore, when Player A moves to Server B, which does NOT have said crutches, he will not be used to actually having to peek over roofs to see his targets, nor will he know how to actually use that scope on his AS50 in close-quarters combat. Therefore, the awesome gear that Player A acquired on Regular servers will fall into the hands of Veteran players such as you and I, simply because Player A is incompetent and relies on crutches that were no longer at his disposal.

I don't see the problem here!

Will Rocket eventually force all servers to align themselves to a particular ruleset? Yes, most likely. However, I do not understand why players who are used to the Veteran ruleset are complaining about the Regular servers. It's illogical to me, and I need somebody to explain it to me in further detail.

You're right, they are not exploits, but they can be exploited.

A Server B regular could hop in Server A, exploit the flawed system, and hop back in Server B nicely geared without putting himself in nearly as much risk.

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I agree with what you say about the 3rd person view (I usually play in US 10 Chicago, no 3rd person there), but nametags are not "something trivial".

I mean nametags are trivial relative to third-person, in terms of the unrealistic advantages they grant.

Sure, in and of itself, nametags are very advantageous.

Just not nearly so much as third-person.

So my point is, for the fourth time, when someone laments that nametags are contrary to the spirit of DayZ, then that argument MUST ALSO INCLUDE being against server-settings like third-person. You can't have it both ways.

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Speaking of this, hopefully theres any server admins in here but WHAT is the option called for those peripherial bubbles that show up basically showing you zombies that are off-screen? I have my server set to veteran. No nametags. No seeing yourself on the map. But I have 3rd person and Crosshair(this may go too eventually). But I somehow have these damn peripheral bubbles and I want them gone!

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i don't know why, but the first person in this game is weird. i think it's the FOV (which i know you can change) or the way you run, or something. i don't know. first person in this game is downright weird. yes, i use first person to shoot things, but i always run around in third person. the FOV here is much better. as for the hunger/thirst thing, i know there isn't really another way to show it, but that isn't the point. i like your idea of only identifying friendlies, but i don't know how that could be implemented. because in real life, if you look at someone you know, you already know their name. not the same for randoms. if this were implemented versus having everyone being shown, then that would be a-ok with me :thumbsup:

It also took me a while to get used to first person in this game. Reducing head bob to zero in the menu helped a lot. If you give it a chance you will eventually get used to it. The FOV on 3rd person view is obviously better because you are seeing things you shouldn't. IRL if you crawl through tall grass you won't be able to see a guy coming 100m away, thats a major exploit, not to mention the people who just crawl on top of buildings and use third person to see the whole city. 3rd person shouldn't be on DayZ, but now that it is I have little hope of seeing it gone. Nametags should be disabled while we don't have a decent alternative. If we can wait for a group system we can wait for that as well. Better communication between groups should be enough to avoid most cases of friendly fire.

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i have the mouse smoothing down to 0, because that's a silly setting to have on. as for head bob, i have head bob on max. why? to me, it seems like it makes first person better. more realistic camera movements. maybe i'll tone that down.

Headbob on 0 still has some headbob, fyi. I normally like headbob in shooters. I've just never seen headbob anywhere near as intense as ARMA 2's default headbob setting before. And I really don't think its realistic at all when it's taken to that extent.

You mention camera movements? That's exactly the point, actually -- it feels like a bouncing camera, and NOT my eyeball view.

Edited by cogwheel

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The servers aren't what's wrong (regular, rookie, veteran, etc) it's that the settings are so completely different from one to the other. I can log onto a Veteran server with CH:OFF and find myself with crosshairs and magical abilities to see zombies and other players on the sides of my screen.

It's so sporadic to find a server with legit playing rules. It needs to be simplified so where everyone knows what they are getting into. My opinion is that DayZ should have no wall hacking or glowing spheres of who-knows-what. It ruins immersion and I have instead been finding ways to abuse it to track players, only because I want to know if that's being done against me; and it is.

So ya, do away with the fluffy bullshit and get hardcore settings going. 3rd person is already a noob magnet as it is, take away free-ghosting.

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I agree 100% remove the option to make servers easier. Map player-icon destroys gps, so that's awful. And nametags make it extremely difficult to hide, and ruin immersion. There are many more issues I'd be happy to list. Get rid of regular/recruit servers and let's play this game how it's meant to be played.

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I mean nametags are trivial relative to third-person, in terms of the unrealistic advantages they grant.

Sure, in and of itself, nametags are very advantageous.

Just not nearly so much as third-person.

So my point is, for the fourth time, when someone laments that nametags are contrary to the spirit of DayZ, then that argument MUST ALSO INCLUDE being against server-settings like third-person. You can't have it both ways.

Please read the rest of my post. I disagree with you. 3rd person is a pain, but nametags hurt the game a lot more by making lots of items useless and destroying camo.

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You're right, they are not exploits, but they can be exploited.

A Server B regular could hop in Server A, exploit the flawed system, and hop back in Server B nicely geared without putting himself in nearly as much risk.

Third-person was designed specifically with the use of checking corners and providing overwatch without placing yourself in harm. In almost any third-person shooter, this is the case - I cite APB: Reloaded as an example. In APB, third-person is part of the metagame. You use third-person to your advantage, as does the person you're fighting. As opposed to getting rid of the concept entirely, why not embrace it and adapt to it?

Crosshairs were designed specifically to assist the player in aiming when the player is not using or is not able to use their iron sights. The only possible "exploit" in using them is that they're as accurate as using the iron sights. However, that's actually extremely realistic - the accuracy of your gun and the direction of your bullets doesn't change simply because your eyes aren't aiming down your weapon's iron sights.

Nametags are the only thing I can see that are truly "exploitable." I'd be okay with removing them, because it's not realistic in any sense to be able to scan the horizon and magically find out a person's name and distance from you.

In any case, why would a person who regularly plays on Server B hop over to Server A for the sole purpose of grabbing gear? For one, everybody in Server A is on a level playing field when it comes to what crutches they have at their disposable. Secondly, the only thing that could possibly affect Server B from Player A's adventures in Server A is the number of rare items in Server B - which, due to the mechanics of the Hive, is skewed anyway.

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3rd person was in no way made to be exploited by seeing past cover. It was made for those more comfortable with a 3rd person view, not for exploiting past corners...

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Third-person was designed specifically with the use of checking corners and providing overwatch without placing yourself in harm. In almost any third-person shooter, this is the case - I cite APB: Reloaded as an example. In APB, third-person is part of the metagame. You use third-person to your advantage, as does the person you're fighting. As opposed to getting rid of the concept entirely, why not embrace it and adapt to it?

But you should place yourself in harm to check corners! ArmA 2's flawed engine has some very cool features like free-look and leaning that you can and should use to check corners, there is no need to have bs like a flying eye behind you... Why should we adapt to something completely unrealistic and heavily exploitable while we already have the perfect solution?

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Let me tell you why we need third person. I and many other people get headaches from playing this game in first person. I can't run for more than 5 minutes in first person without getting a terrible headache.

I do not get this problem in third person.

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Let me tell you why we need third person. I and many other people get headaches from playing this game in first person. I can't run for more than 5 minutes in first person without getting a terrible headache.

I do not get this problem in third person.

Perhaps add the option of losing the screen-bobbing?

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All you people that think there shouldn't be any option but what THEY like can go F*** your selfs.

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Perhaps add the option of losing the screen-bobbing?

I tried lowering the head bobbing option which didn't work.

Yeah, if they fixed the screen bobbing then it might fix it. However, it could just be a FOV issue. I'm not sure what exactly hurts my brain after being in first person too long. Honestly, it is not much of an advantage. It is a trademark of ARMA and the Op. Fl games to have third person. It is a strong characteristic. I guess you all are new to these games but it has always been like this: Join Veteran/Realism servers if you don't like 3rd person. It hasn't split the previous communities apart at all. So, I don't know where the OP is getting this idea from.

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Let me tell you why we need third person. I and many other people get headaches from playing this game in first person. I can't run for more than 5 minutes in first person without getting a terrible headache.

I do not get this problem in third person.

THIS.... in some games after 5-10 mins I get v sick and have to lie down. Skyrim was one and I had to mess around to get the settings so I didnt want to throw up. Dayz with no head bob isnt as bad but still not as comfortable as third person... I am ok with removing nametags etc as I tried that and yes it gives away peoples locations etc but also yours. As to seeing yourself on the map. I have used that but also like working out where I am so removing that wouldnt be a problem

I would like to think people should have options, want all of them on and learn the game... sure goto recruit.... want to up your game... go to veteran... Yes people would get kind of advantage by getting kit easier in recruit compared to veteran but only when they move upto veteran...they are playing on a server with everyone else having the same settings, you can peak around corners easily in third person... so can the other player....

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atleast there is no BF3 dorito spotting.

veteran for life.

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I tried lowering the head bobbing option which didn't work.

Yeah, if they fixed the screen bobbing then it might fix it. However, it could just be a FOV issue. I'm not sure what exactly hurts my brain after being in first person too long. Honestly, it is not much of an advantage. It is a trademark of ARMA and the Op. Fl games to have third person. It is a strong characteristic. I guess you all are new to these games but it has always been like this: Join Veteran/Realism servers if you don't like 3rd person. It hasn't split the previous communities apart at all. So, I don't know where the OP is getting this idea from.

Do a google search on "playing video games makes me sick" and you will see how many people it affects and what affects.... trust me having to lay down for 2 hours after playing a game for 10 mins isnt fun....

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All you people that think there shouldn't be any option but what THEY like can go F*** your selfs.

I could say "All you people that think that broken options should be on the game can go f*** yourselfs", but i'd rather argue on why some stuff needs to go instead of talking shit. I understand most people love 3rd person and won't let it go, so I don't even hold hopes that it will be removed, but it's true that it's very exploitable. I don't see what else could get so much sand in you.

Edited by Panque

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I could say "All you people that think that broken options should be on the game can go f*** yourselfs", but i'd rather argue on why some stuff needs to go instead of talking shit. I understand most people love 3rd person and won't let it go, so I don't even hold hopes that it will be removed, but it's true that it's very exploitable, but there are some stuff that is downright stupid.

Well, I like your idea about Nameplates appearing exclusively to people who you trust. That would be an interesting option for Veteran mode for sure.

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If you don't like recruit servers.... Don't play them..


People have different ways to play a game, I do not think ANY of the difficulties need to be removed.

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This! Get rid of those casual mode servers.

Makes sense since everyone that plays this game isn't a casual gamer. I for one welcome our veteran overlords.

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