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Dear deagle of US 816

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Could it be coincidence that he went offline after this unraveling of his?xD

My god people, where is this going to, if people actually start to ALT+F4 on forums nowadays ^^

Two of them are.

Oh didn't notice a second one there :)

Needless to say I'm pretty keen to see the next episode in 'The rise and fall of campers'

Edited by Insaner

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Mk 17 SD is hacked I thought

It IS from what I understand, unless someone has proof otherwise. aybe the admins killed a hacker with it and proceded to dupe it?

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I will be posting several videos of our encounters soon so that everyone can see how you operate with your server restarts. Yes, I recorded almost every encounter we have had with you and your group :).

Any chance you could post direct links to those clips? My IE9 stopped displaying all clips / photos on the forum yesterday (I only get a black box with a little X in the corner) and I haven't been able to figure out what has caused this yet.

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Mk 17 SD is hacked I thought

It IS from what I understand, unless someone has proof otherwise. aybe the admins killed a hacker with it and proceded to dupe it?

It is hacked in as far as we know. We found about 20 clips for it and searched for the gun every time we were on that server. Really wanted to try it out on them :( We have found about three hacked items on that server including a Huey which we took for a joyride. We ended up killing one of the people from the camp down in Cherno while in the Huey. Seconds later our pilot's Arma2 went haywire and the server restarted. Three of us died, we had NVGs, ghillies, GPS, two MK 48s, M4 CCO SD and so on. Just checked the video from that Huey ride and the guys we were shooting at were part for deagle's group. Might have lost all our gear on their hacked Huey but damn it was fun.

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Could it be coincidence that he went offline after this unraveling of his?xD

My god people, where is this going to, if people actually start to ALT+F4 on forums nowadays ^^

Very witty. I like it.

And no, I didn't Alt+F4. Just went AFK for a bit.

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Well done to you. Alex and Deagle both shot me along with 5 people 3 of which I just met and were inviting to a group. Is it likely he is a hacker due to the fact that he killed us but he wasn't kicked from the server like my friend that was startled by a axeman?

tl;dr Good job they deserved it I think there hackers.

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AND here it is. The Ural finally going boom. These two idiots run around at night time with 50 cals. Its the hardest hitting gun in the game so it must be the best gun to use all the time amirite?

Final raid on 816 Part 2:


Sorry for my shitty shooting, I made the mistake of going full auto on the L85 and I didn't change my zeroing to target the second player properly. OH WELL.

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haha, I need to know the location of this on the server so i can get my friends and i to derp around the and be follow ups of you!

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haha, I need to know the location of this on the server so i can get my friends and i to derp around the and be follow ups of you!

US 816 now know as US over 9000 grid 091 002 Have fun.

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Just an update on their server. It appears that they have been offline for over two days now. I guess they shut down the server? Its that or they changed their IP but that would mean the Hive would report US 816 using a different IP and maybe black list them, unless they did they filled out the server host move ticket. Either way what a bunch of scumbags. I wanted to go there and steal or repair the chopper and shoot at them from the air :(

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Good day fellow bandits. I am glad to say that US 816 came online last night for awhile and I was able to blow up a few more things.


Last night I logged in with a buddy. The plan was to blow up what was at their base. After that I placed another bomb and waited for Deagle to show up before blowing that one up. Sadly Deagle never showed up. However we did end up being kicked about two dozen times, and I even had a chat with some of the members from the group in the lobby. We were called hackers, and were told that the Dev rules about kicking people don't matter etc etc. Seems like Deagle has the shitty admin attitude, he owns the server he can do what ever the fuck he wants. I tried playing dumb in hope of avoiding a ban which would put an end to blowing up the stuff they recover when they are online. I guess it worked since I didn't get banned.

Video shows two explosions, second one is a good one for sure. Also shows about 8minutes of talking to these scumbags. These guys also shut the server down when they logged off. It appears that they will only turn it on while deagle and buttbuddies are around. Doesn't matter that they are doing this now I was able to save most of the burning vehicles long before they rebooted or shutdown the server.

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Good day fellow bandits. I am glad to say that US 816 came online last night for awhile and I was able to blow up a few more things.

Last night I logged in with a buddy. The plan was to blow up what was at their base. After that I placed another bomb and waited for Deagle to show up before blowing that one up. Sadly Deagle never showed up. However we did end up being kicked about two dozen times, and I even had a chat with some of the members from the group in the lobby. We were called hackers, and were told that the Dev rules about kicking people don't matter etc etc. Seems like Deagle has the shitty admin attitude, he owns the server he can do what ever the fuck he wants. I tried playing dumb in hope of avoiding a ban which would put an end to blowing up the stuff they recover when they are online. I guess it worked since I didn't get banned.

Video shows two explosions, second one is a good one for sure. Also shows about 8minutes of talking to these scumbags. These guys also shut the server down when they logged off. It appears that they will only turn it on while deagle and buttbuddies are around. Doesn't matter that they are doing this now I was able to save most of the burning vehicles long before they rebooted or shutdown the server.

If you do get banned, im going to start blowing it up to, just to get the guy even more pissed lol... "deagle" or whoever doesnt deserve to have a camp.

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Lol I was on the server when he restarted it. I was so pissed. Dude admin abuse I'm in, Ill hunt them too. Whats the names of your group or more so his group so I dont kill you guys by accident. Mines... well..Resistanceofman... steam name too

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Lol I was on the server when he restarted it. I was so pissed. Dude admin abuse I'm in, Ill hunt them too. Whats the names of your group or more so his group so I dont kill you guys by accident. Mines... well..Resistanceofman... steam name too

People we have seen in his group so far are:



Jesus Christ




As for my group... We change our names a lot cause they kick us. Thankfully they are too stupid to check GUIDs and it gives us time to blow more stuff up before being kicked again. You will know when we are on, server will be restarted every 5minutes.

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Newsflash: Satchel Charges are NOT a legit spawn item in DayZ.

Yes they are, it's just called "Pipe bomb" and they spawn in the barracks. They are incredible rare, more so than say an SVD Camo, or Rangefinder. I've looted one twice since May. Both times it spawned in the northern barracks. But with the duping going on, it's not hard to have many of them.

Edited by KField86

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Yes they are, it's just called "Pipe bomb" and they spawn in the barracks. They are incredible rare, more so than say an SVD Camo, or Rangefinder. I've looted one twice since May. Both times it spawned in the northern barracks. But with the duping going on, it's not hard to have many of them.

I've only found them in the north barracks as well. Also found a stash in a bus one day, along with range finders and an AS50.

Speaking of finding bombs... does anyone wanna donate some? Pretty sure I'm about to run out of them.

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