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missing bunch of servers on my six launcher

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I just updated my dayz version to using the six launcher. But i'm wondering why i'm missing some servers (that I notice). My friend just updated his dayz version as well, but i can't find the server where he was playing at on my six launcher (guaranteed no spelling error in the search box). Same issue with the server where my clan used to play, it's gone from the server list and they did update their dayz as well. any idea guys? thanks in advance!

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I have this issue with my own server. It shows up via IP but not in the list

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This is issue with GameSpy not correctly forwarding the servers from Master List. Hoping it gets fixed soon.

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just use the in game browser, and type whatever the server is on the filter. it works.

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This has been happening to me even BEFORE the latest patch :) I was never able to see my own server in the filter list, could only connect via IP

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