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US 366 Chicago ALT-F4 tractor bitch

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Good to know your balls are the size of rotten raisins.

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We at least have the satisfaction of knowing he'll log in dead after that belly shot I donated :)

Well...and the multiple FAL hits.

Edited by rngdfenriz

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Good to know your balls are the size of rotten raisins.

I know damn well you didn't rack up those 21 murders without alt f4ing yourself. And was killing someone over the worst vehicle in the game worth posting about? This guy!

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I know damn well you didn't rack up those 21 murders without alt f4ing yourself. And was killing someone over the worst vehicle in the game worth posting about? This guy!

Ask any of my friends, I got all my kills legit running through elektro not giving a fuck. Plus the FAL is a very deadly gun. But I'll go ahead and take it as a compliment that you think the amount of kills I have is impossible for the likes of you.

Hope to see you in the game bud, would be nice to string your ears.

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Ask any of my friends, I got all my kills legit running through elektro not giving a fuck. Plus the FAL is a very deadly gun. But I'll go ahead and take it as a compliment that you think the amount of kills I have is impossible for the likes of you.

Hope to see you in the game bud, would be nice to string your ears.

Confirmed. No one we have or ever will play with is an alt-f4 punk.

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Confirmed. No one we have or ever will play with is an alt-f4 punk.


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You do know the tractor is one of the weakest vehicles in game right? I would of shot the tire or engine a couple times ,and then let the explosion do the rest.

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I know damn well you didn't rack up those 21 murders without alt f4ing yourself. And was killing someone over the worst vehicle in the game worth posting about? This guy!

You do know the tractor is one of the weakest vehicles in game right? I would of shot the tire or engine a couple times ,and then let the explosion do the rest.

Wasn't the tractor we wanted it was the coyote backpack and LMG.

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Ask any of my friends, I got all my kills legit running through elektro not giving a fuck. Plus the FAL is a very deadly gun. But I'll go ahead and take it as a compliment that you think the amount of kills I have is impossible for the likes of you.

Hope to see you in the game bud, would be nice to string your ears.

Translation: "Come at me bro, your k/d is terrible, get on my level, 360noscopeflashbangthrowswag. I play real mens games like Cawwadooty." Since you feel like being a cocksucker however, US167 Texas, I'm sitting near the farmhouse outside of the NWAF walls.

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Either way, the dude would of died or passed out. So you could catch up to him and finish him off.

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Translation: "Come at me bro, your k/d is terrible, get on my level, 360noscopeflashbangthrowswag. I play real mens games like Cawwadooty." Since you feel like being a cocksucker however, US167 Texas, I'm sitting near the farmhouse outside of the NWAF walls.

Oh hardly dude he's just reacting to the fact that you said you know for a fact he alt-f4s himself when you really have no way to know that.

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Either way, the dude would of died or passed out. So you could catch up to him and finish him off.

Yea likely. Just sucks not getting that sweet loot :P

And it may have been shitty but I wanted to roll around on that tractor.

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