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Blood level not saving

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6pm (+8GMT) 23/5/12

What happened:

Blood level is not saving when I log back in (keeps reseting to ~3500), although gear and location IS saved.

Where you were:

NW area of the map.

What you were doing:

Server has crashed a few times, otherwise nothing special.

Current installed version:

Server(s) you were on:


Timeline of events before/after error:

Got attacked by zombies last night, dropped my blood down to 3.5k before I could bandage myself. Despite eating huge stacks of meat several times, every time I log back in my blood level is 3.5k. This happened last night as well as today. I have been on the ANZ7 server the whole time.

PS. if this is a duplicate thread it's only because this is my second time submitting it, it didn't seem to work before.

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Had the same thing yesterday. Kept resetting to 7k. I hope it doesn't continue today...

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A while later I used a bloodpack to get back to full blood, and the server crashed. When it came back I was on full health again, so it seems to have resolved itself.

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I'm having the same issue.


6pm (+8GMT) 18/6/12

What happened:

Blood level is not saving when I log back in (keeps reseting to ~3700), although gear and location IS saved.

Where you were:

NW area of the map. Most recently occurred in Vybor, but previously in Pustoshka also.

What you were doing:

Scavenging through the towns, Looking for food.

Current installed version:

Server(s) you were on:

ANZ and NZ servers

Timeline of events before/after error:

Got attacked by zombies last night, dropped my blood down to 3.5k before I could bandage myself. Despite eating huge stacks of meat several times, every time I log back in my blood level is 3.5k. This happened last night as well as today.

Last night i found a camouflage skin and when trying to put it on I was transported into the ocean for a couple of minutes then back into Pustoshka General store where i was left swimming in the floor for a few minutes. all of my gear was duplicated and placed on the floor also. when I logged back in the next time after this event Most of my gear was gone, and My issue with the blood levels began.

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I can confirm this bug on US 28 Chicago 22 and many other servers. No matter what when I log in I have 10800.8 blood even after eating to full blood.

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