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Temp loss, Colds, Firewood and Clothing System

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Since the inclusion of the tempurature gauge and catching colds. I've had a few ideas.

Playing on a server yesterday it started to rain and my tempurature started dropping pretty quick. I'm not sure of the exact figures but in about 30mins my temp dropped from 100 to 40. To stop my temp going lower I either have to find firewood and sit beside a fire for 5 mins or stand inside a building until I can go out looking for firewood when the rain stops.

Now, i'm all for realism in DayZ but sitting idling or afking in a barn until the rain stops doesn't make for a very exciting game. And I'd much rather just leave the server and look for one that it isnt raining. I noticed a few others on the server actually did leave to avoid catching cold.


1. Firewood is to scarce and it takes up 2 slots. So carrying more than one firewood is costly.

2. Antibiotics don't spawn enough. Played 5-6 hrs and not found any. It should appear in general stores quite a bit.

3. Forcing players to stay indoors isn't much fun.

4. Temp drop in rain is too quick


1. Addition of axes. Fits in lower inv slots (infinite use). Allows player to collect wood from trees. Down side. Makes lots of noise when chopping wood.

1.1 If not the above maybe firewood spawns could appear more in woodland areas and be readily available.

2. Tents to be made enterable as shelter.

3. Addition of a clothing system.

Clothing system:

This could work like other armour systems seen in other games like Diablo3 but made waaay simpler. You would have slots for Torso, legs, feet, hands and head.

For Torso you could have 2 types of colthing which is worn on top of default clothing

1. Water proof jacket: Slows temp drop but isn't camoflauged and easier to see.

2. Armour vest: Improved armour rating but increased temp drop or slows running speed.

Other slots could simply be Water proof trousers, Heavy boots, Hats and gloves. All decrease the temp loss but might increase visibility. Depending on how it'd be balanced.


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with this new you need wood to get a fire Im not even hunting animals anymore.

reason? because I have to get into barns or towns to get wood. and I try to avoid towns and even barns. due to PK.

I only go into towns if I need medical supplies. but then I dont even bring a good weapon or equipment if Im going. just my coyote so I get allot of supplies with me out.

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