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Servers Unresponsive (10,000/9999 ping)

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I've noticed that relative to my friends, I have very few servers available in DayZ Commander. After unchecking "Hide Unresponsive", I came to find that over 80% of the servers were deemed unresponsive and had a ping of 10,000. Joining these servers are impossible as I always receive the "Wait For Host" glitch.

Thinking back, I realize that it's been this way ever since I began playing the game (over three weeks). I have also attempted to launch games via Six Launcher, but the same problem persists. Nearly all servers have 9999 ping and end with the wait for host glitch. I am still able to play the game (albeit only around 40 servers available), but playing with friends is tough, as finding a server that works for everyone is extremely difficult.

As I stated before, I've been playing for about three weeks and the problem has persisted. I have been through many updates for DayZ, Arma 2, Six Launcher, dayzcommander, etc. none of which has fixed the problem. The picture below shows what most of my servers look like.

Does anyone know what might be causing this? I have tried disabling fire walls and such to no avail.

Thanks much

- Kye


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I use SixLauncher, But im seeing the same thing. When I went into a server with 9999 ping though, it dropped to 62 right away. So they still work, you just have to find one close to you.

This started after my client updated tonight, whatever update they did is affecting it.

Edited by jordan2412

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I use SixLauncher, But im seeing the same thing. When I went into a server with 9999 ping though, it dropped to 62 right away. So they still work, you just have to find one close to you.

This started after my client updated tonight, whatever update they did is affecting it.

I appreciate it but as I said, I have a 100% fail rate when joining these servers.

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I have this too. It is random though. I have a selected server where I usually play. Sometimes I connect just fine, but sometimes it hits 9999 ping and I am forever stuck on "LOADING" screen, which I have to CTRL+SHIFT+ESC from

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I have the same thing on dayz commander 1000 on ping and a red / on every server?? But I can join servers but they don't always work :(. Also I can't see any server on play withsix. I was also wondering I have a really shitty internet maybe it's the cause of it??

Edited by TheGreatPlague

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I've got the exact same problem i have joined multiple servers and they all stop responding... really starting to annoy me as i have a 7 man group waiting for me....

Any help would be amazing

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Ditto, I have had the game for a few months and have had no problems untill recently, I was playing ealier for about an hour then suddenly got kicked and ever since then every servers ping is 500+. ArmA2, Dayz commander and Dayz are all up to date and on rare occasions some servers that are ping of 20-ish but the second I click on them they go up to 300+ then 500+.

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I have the same issue, but i know what my problem is. Where i live the landlord has blocked ports to prevent torrenting, but also blocked ports to some DayZ servers inadvertantly. Check your ports so see that they are not closed to the servers where you want to connect.

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I have the same problem on my PC but it works just fine on my laptop and they have the same settings.

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Make sure your allowing DayZ Commander or SixLauncher through your windows firewall and any other antivirus software, also run as administrator by default

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Please try PPPoE connection.

I was able to correct by this method.

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got 10000 ping and the wait for host forever. let dayz commander through firewall and ran as administrator,no result PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ HELP

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