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US1298 Admins kicking all players.

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Not sure if this is allowed by admins or not. Pretty sure not...

Trying to log onto US1298 at 9:00 pm Mountain Time. I keep getting kicked with a message that states they are "testing". There are only two players in the server currently. "jim" and "{ORGY} G-ski".

I doubt "testing" is a reason to be allowed to kick players as it is likely they are just cheating to get all the good gear on the server. Why can't they do their "testing" with other players connected to it?

Shady dealings...

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Not sure if this is allowed by admins or not. Pretty sure not...

Trying to log onto US1298 at 9:00 pm Mountain Time. I keep getting kicked with a message that states they are "testing". There are only two players in the server currently. "jim" and "{ORGY} G-ski".

I doubt "testing" is a reason to be allowed to kick players as it is likely they are just cheating to get all the good gear on the server. Why can't they do their "testing" with other players connected to it?

Shady dealings...


I think its funny how people are so quick to call everyone a hacker or cheater. I am the host of the server US1293. Although I am NOT the host of 1298 I will say that on multiple occasions I have had to shutdown/restart my server a few times today and yesterday due to updates and manual tweaks to my battleye files to try and get my rcon client to work again(since it somehow stopped working after the latest patch.) While yes, it sucks that players have to go through that, sometimes it is necessary for the admins to do it. I do, however, give global messages to players so that they have ample time to safely log off before I do any hard resetting. Are you sure that the admins arent trying to update their servers or do some fixing as I have done?

Now are they using the actual kick command or are they sending server messages then shutting down? Cause im pretty sure admins are NOT allowed to kick anyone without proper cause listed by the dayz staff.

Just find a different server and relax a bit ...

Edited by KaptainKlondike

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Not a cheat report.

Oh, by the way... I see no reason to kick players when you could of locked your server for testing purposes. (There is some rare cases where locking is allowed, I assume for performance purposes or that plugin that locks the server automatically to reduce spamjoin? I forget. BEC was it called?)

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There is 2 servers with us1298 as a name on in buffalo and the other is BC Dayz server ... BC ( Banditz Clan) will not kick players for no reason if you are talking about the us1298 Banditz clan server, the server did have setup issues and has been restarted many times in a row due to host issues. neither people stated above are members of the banditz clan neither kicked you or had anything to do with it.


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Yep, got kicked immediately from there today as well....

US1298 DayZ Buffalo | vlayer.com

Stinks because I got 16 ping there....

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