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Brudagon (DayZ)

Venting Thread

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We were planning on hitting NWAF tonight for the first time, we were gathering great loot for a couple days. We were all extremely stoked to go to it now, prepared to scout for snipers and head in as stealthily as possible. But then as we're heading to the airfield, our entire group gets teleported and killed.

I do not hate this game, I love it with all my heart. This is simply a way for me to vent the frustration. I just wish we had died in a more entertaining way, getting killed by a hacker is just so.. boring and anticlimactic.. We spent all our time to die like that, ugh. Anyways, will return tomorrow with full force.

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Hopefully this thread will become the general thread for all vents. So we can just avoid fucking idiots who join just to make a rage thread.

Anyway. I love this game. But why does it fuck my mouth so hard everytime i get good weapons? I dont camp weapons or server hop. I dont even indulge in PKing for the most part. Everytime ive gotten a good weapon ive either stubbed my toe and broke a bone then fucking died at 12k or get spawned killed upon joining a server. Its stupid and I hate it. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I feel better now.

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My friend walks into Kabanino and gets sniped,me and another friend kill the sniper and I approach the church,I hear coughing and run up to the wall,a guy jumps around the corner and opens fire but I manage to kill him then I fall unconcious and bleed out before my surviving friend gets to me,he looks around the church and finds a third guy and manages to kill him no problem and waits over our bodies.

45 minutes of running later I come into town to find out that my body glitched into the wall and that I cannot get my stuff back which included an AS50,L85 AWS,Revolver,Coyote pack and some other tools,I am mad because I wasted so much time running there that could have been spent on looting to get new stuff.

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Spent a few hours one night getting some of the best gear I have ever had, wasn't much fun because I was just looting places, but I was doing it so me and my friends the next day could enjoy ourselves with good gear. Next day comes, and I just started playing, my friend tells me to come to him, so I am going to and the second I leave where I left off I was sniped instantly in the head and killed. 3-4 hours of my night wasted in seconds. I was pretty frustrated, but whatever. Great mod, just some of the people that play are...annoying.

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Yesterday I died by running in to a bush half my character's size that somehow broke both of my legs, killing me instantly. I managed to get all my stuff back, but lost all my stats. ;_; Which isn't that big of a deal, but did disappoint me.

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Yesterday I died by running in to a bush half my character's size that somehow broke both of my legs, killing me instantly. I managed to get all my stuff back, but lost all my stats. ;_; Which isn't that big of a deal, but did disappoint me.

My friend#1 walked into a bench at the NWAF and broke both his legs,we spent 1h30min waiting for morphine to spawn when friend#2 accidentaly shot me in the leg,then we had to wait another 15min for friend#3 to come on his motorcycle with some more morphine.

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This game is like 90% bullshit with 10% fun I'm learning. I don't think I'd be so mad about dieing if I didn't have to spend 20 minutes loading the fucking game everytime and how matches are so fricking rare.

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Ahhh these rant stories are great. I had NVG's, ghillie suite and an AS50 with other goodies and decided i wanted to help my buddy get into a deer stand. Well i some how get glitched climbing up and fall to the ground only to get my face eaten by those things we calle zombies...

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Hopefully this thread will become the general thread for all vents. So we can just avoid fucking idiots who join just to make a rage thread.

Anyway. I love this game. But why does it fuck my mouth so hard everytime i get good weapons? I dont camp weapons or server hop. I dont even indulge in PKing for the most part. Everytime ive gotten a good weapon ive either stubbed my toe and broke a bone then fucking died at 12k or get spawned killed upon joining a server. Its stupid and I hate it. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I feel better now.

It hurts so good though!

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