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Water Bottle Glitch

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Date/Time: 7/27/2012, approx 8:50 pm central

What happened: I drank from my water bottle. The command didn't take so I executed it again. Finally drank. I then refilled the bottle. After an unusually long amount of time 2 full water bottles appeared in my inventory. I dumped one of the bottles and proceeded onward.

Where you were: Kozlovka Water Pump

What you were doing: Filling a water bottle

Current installed version:

Server you were on: US 928 Amplified Gaming Public

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wow arent you lucky, i cant even fill my water bottles. then again im trying at a small pond. when i do it at a pump, it always seems to work though

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Most likely caused by lag or desync

wow arent you lucky, i cant even fill my water bottles. then again im trying at a small pond. when i do it at a pump, it always seems to work though

Usually works for me if I get my feet wet

Edited by Badjr

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Most likely caused by lag or desync

Usually works for me if I get my feet wet

When refilling from a pond I usually have to wade out until the water reaches my waist. But on the other hand, as I crouch down to fill them I disappear under the water which acts like camoflage. Kind of...

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I found this glitch as well. I was trying to drink but it didn't excute the command right away so I tried twice more and when it did finally take I found I had 3 empty water bottles in my inventory.

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I confirmed this multiple times last night as well, if you keep clicking you can keep creating water bottles. Not exactly a game breaking dupe but still should be fixed. I attempted to recreate this bug by converting M1911 ammo to .45 but it did not work luckily and is just affecting water bottles

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this happened to me once, I couldn't drink my water bottle for some reason, so I just kept spamming it, then all of a sudden my inventory is full of empty water bottles.

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