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Kind of curious...

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Why do they run so freaking fast?

No no, hear me out please. I will assume the most common answer here is they are too easy to kill and such if they move slow, so must move at the very least as fast as you. Anyone ever watch any zombie movie pre- 28 Days Later? Or watch Walking Dead?

So.... Nah, we know shambler zombies are still good. They attack in packs and hordes, and while you run and run, eventually tiring out, they are still moving as a single unit of destruction and death. Just imagine running into Cherno, shoot zombie you saw, and hear the drone, and out of every street corner twenty zombies pop up shambling to you. You move around, trying to dodge them, opening fire on them, all the while they slowly close in on you.

I dunno, sounds more interesting then one zombie chasing you for twenty minutes, right on your tail, and as soon as you drop in a bush you magically become invisible to the zombie.

Please do not get me wrong. I am having a lot of fun with DayZ right now. Zombie broke my leg in Komarovo. I crawled all the way to Cherno, and actually saved myself, believe it or not. Got a ton of morphine, blood bags, etc, found canteens, and made it out. Took forever, but like a personal achievement I crawled and did all of that. Lucky hatchet kept the zombies back.

But honestly... I think this game could do with some refining of the actual zombie mechanic. I know the zombies were not meant as the focus of this game, but they should be. Otherwise all you have is zombies made of glass, then run as fast as you, can get a lucky hit and break a leg for no obvious reason, and then you die like that, unless you can save yourself or get help. All it is is a giant fragfest with a thirst and hunger meter, and a couple of glass zombies. I like the idea of zombies being an unstoppable force, that players are almost forced to work together, or group up in gangs and such, fighting each other for resources, the resources here being spawn areas for items.

This is not really a complaint... Just... Curious why they went with fast zombies like that, when slow zombies work just as well with the proper mechanic changes, swarm/mob behavior, things would be dangerous. And a second note. Only headshots killing zombies. Zombies would become ten times more dangerous and lethal right there.

I dunno, maybe it is just me. I mean I still am having fun with the game so not like "DERP CHANGE OR I QUIT" just would be nice for zombies to get a little more spotlight in this game. I have been waiting for a game like this for a loooooong time, and was happy to see someone FINALLY picked up on this survival concept, with zombies no less. But the zombies are barely a focus here, be nice if they were not so frustrating, but more lethal and dangerous so even people with end-game gear, so to speak, would have to still be weary of zombies. Otherwise this is just gonna turn into like, Black Ops, but NPC zombies to kill newbies and break your legs randomly, but provide no problems to any players with any good skills or good gear.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You make zombies more lethal, but not just plain more frustrating, players end up teaming up, or going solo and just leaving each other alone. We the survivors need a common enemy, so we can then team up more, not just shoot on sight cause everyone is in a self destructing cycle of paranoia.

I dunno, just my two cents. Will still be playing the game so I am not raging, just giving some thoughts on stuff I think could really improve the game experience. I did not put this in suggestions cause not really suggesting, as much as curious why the things are like this right now. Why DayZ is talked about as a zombie survival simulator, when really it is just a human survival simulator, with some zombies on the side. Okay I guess I am suggesting a little lol, I will move it if I need to, or a mod can or whatevs.

Edited by ImpZ

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