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What's your guilt moment?

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Ever kill someone and feel sorry for them?

My moment would be when I was camping Elektro on the hills with an AS50. Yeah, I know that's lame, but it was my first time finding a sniper and my friends kept getting gunned down in the city, so me and a pal with a rangefinder set up on the hills. We were there for a few hours and I had a ridiculous amount of murders and bandit kills, then this happened:

A dude running around the firehouse with a hatchet. He was climbing up and down ladders and hitting the wall with his hatchet. He looked so confused and ran around in circles. I told my friends not to kill him and we laughed at him for a bit, but then my friend bursted his LMG at him (from 600 meters away...) and broke his leg. He crawled around a bit and I decided to put him out of his misery with an AS50 round to the face.

Hatchet dude on the firehouse building, I'm sorry. ;_;

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Me and two of my friends were sitting on a hill near Elektro sniping zombies with DMR's as target practice,eventually I decided to run downhill and check out the barn,when I exited the barn from the other side I saw a newbie running with an axe 50-100m away and in a panic I opened fire with my M16 and killed him.

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Haha nice story. Mine would have to be the time I was a fresh, unarmed character looting the Elektro quickie-mart. As I walked out the doors I heard someone shout "Friendly?!" really loud into their microphone, and as I looked up there was a the silhouette of a player atop the office building and I was looking down the barrel of his gun. I didn't have my microphone in at the time so I scrambled to type friendly into the chat channel and luckily he spared my life. Shortly after, I found an AKM in the firehouse and killed him for his loot. Poor guy.

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Frankly I could care less I would kill them with a hatchet if he had an Atlas bag. I only have a coyote with a m249.

Edited by ShadowNick

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I have told this story before but I will again just for this thread.

Me and couple of the guys are at prig barn, we had been there for about 50 mins to an hour because randoms kept turning up. We are on our way out of the area when a guy runs into the long brown barn with 10 or son Zeds.

He yells "Friendly Friendly", which we all know is "Friendly till I have a weapon"

So we tell him we are friendly and we will help him with his Zed problem, Shortly after he stops to Bandage and take a moment to collect himself.

I shot him in the head twice with my winchester...his dying words we "Thats not friendly"

I am sorry my friend. We were getting annoyed of being in 1 place for so long

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Mine is when I was moving out of elektro towards cherno, and I'm with a buddy, when a new player runs up onto the road. He's got nothing in hands, but he's not making any motion really. I start talking in direct VON, telling him that if he turns around and heads off away from us he'll live. Well he doesn't budge, just looks at each of us. I tell him again "Dude, you're making me nervous, I'm about to pop you, leave now." Finally, after 5 more seconds of him turning and looking at the 3 of us, I said "Ok, I warned you. " POP POP Two AK's to the head. So I then said in TS 'Well, you can't say I didn't warn him."

"What do you mean?" (bud)

"...me telling him to leave..?" (me)

"I didn't hear anything..." (bud)


*types gibberish into direct chat*

"you see that?" (me)

"....nope." (bud)

"...Whoops." (me)

To the guy who wondered why 3 guys iwth guns just stared at you before shooting you down...I'm sorry...I hadn't checked if chat was enabled in that server, Better luck bro.

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I had a similar experience at Balota,I was warning a guy 200m away to stop moving,after he spotted me he ran into the hangar,I demanded he come out but he kept silent so I ran in and emptied a M16 mag into his chest,later on while playing with my friends I realized my voice chat wasn't set up properly.

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I was on top of the Cap Golova mountain walking around it trying to avoid the shore with my newb gear and an Enfield, when I saw a newb on the shores running around. I turn to my bud and say I won't kill him I will just shoot around him to scare him. As he ran by some buildings my bullets attracted zombies to him, and I thought I would be helpful and shoot them. After a few shots I see one of my bullets hit his leg and it breaks it, and then I have to watch as the zombies feast on his corpse.

I am sorry :\ I swore to myself I wouldn't become that kind of person..

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My guilt moment is after raiding a barn at night, I watch another player enter and start moving around in the barn. By this point, he seems comfy that he's alone and start moving towards item spawns, I sneak up behind him gun drawn at his head. Instead of following my instincts and popping him to see what he has on him, I stare at him til he notices me. He turns around, spots me, we lock eyes for about 3 seconds before I take a hail of Markov bullets. Sucks for him I had a Winchester pointed at his head.

The guilt? I feel terribly guilty I didn't shoot him when I had the upper hand. Was kinda hoping for a meaningful player interaction, this has set my sight straight and I won't assume such fallacies exist.

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Guilt is the anchor that weighs you down in the sea of life. :)

But I did feel bad shooting the guy I found in Rog Por castle. Right as I opened fire on him, he started saluting. Felt like a bit of a turd after that one. lol

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There were two survivors in the supermarket in Zelenogorsk. I was providing overwatch and my buddies were moving up to market entrance. When I spotted them I put a round in the wall by their heads to scare them off. They were newly spawned with Lee Enfields that they probably got at the market. They ran into the back room and I was sure they were going to run off but instead they tried to poke their head out and take shots at my buddies. My first murder in the game ever was when one of them poked their head out to take a shot and I planted a round in his forehead. Since then I have been a bandit. If they only ran away they would have lived. They had to stay and fight with a sniper with a clear shot. It was too easy to take them out. Poor guys.

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Me and this other guy who had essentially just spawned were chillin' together, lookin for shit. I found an AKM in one of the firehouses around elektra. He says "Aw, nice find bro!" I immediately turn, look at him, and spray about half a clip in his direction...Idk why I did it...but anyway his dying words were: "Wtf bro...I thought we were cool..." That actually made me feel pretty bad lol.

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Guilt is the anchor that weighs you down in the sea of life. :)

But I did feel bad shooting the guy I found in Rog Por castle. Right as I opened fire on him, he started saluting. Felt like a bit of a turd after that one. lol

that wasn't a salute, he was pointing. He wanted to be put down clean.

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