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Crossbow Underpowered

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I've noticed that the crossbow is way under powered for what it is.



-Easy to find

-One Hit Kill


-Ammo Wastes 1 Bolt Per Precious Inventory Slot

-If you miss your boned

-Iron Sights are difficult to aim with

-Range is short

All in all I think the crossbow could be a very good choice in this game if a few of the following suggestions were added:


-Stackable ammunition or a quiver

-Decent iron sights

-Longer Range


-Scope (ACOG/ Possibly Zoom)

-Increase Rarity

-Mid Range

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THing is a crossbow in real life will do damage but getting shot with an arrow will really just hurt a lot from getting stuck in you or going through you. I think it just needs a one or two power optics and that's it also needs to do less damage.

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A quick google search and on one click showed me a quiver that holds a max of 6 arrows. Now I'm sure there are larger quivers avaiable IRL, but keeping in mind with the arma engine mechanics, if we could have a "Quiver Magazine" that holds 6 arrows, that pretty much would still keep the compound cross bow still not overly powered. while providing us some of that much needed inventory space. And since Spawns of ammo can be rare ( I played one toon for 5 hours and never found ammor for the PDW ) This can still make the bolt precious to pick up, and once you've expended a quiver, recombine 6 bolts into a quiver....

Thats my suggestion, some people may think it stupid i'm sure, but I've personally never used a crossbow in this game, and I still think the alpha is a bit buggy to make it viable to use...

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I agree with everything in this thread pretty much. Earlier today I was contemplating doing a life where my character would only use the crossbow and hatchet, so I decided to do some research on the crossbow since I have not used one for a while. I noticed that it actually does less damage than a zombies total health (The crossbow does 3555 and a zeds total health is 4400). Now I remember a while back when I was just new to this mod I picked up a crossbow at some point along the way and I was getting one hit kills on zombies and it seemed perfectly balanced as it was back then. I understand that a lot of people say that it is realistic like this and that actual crossbows wouldn't do as much damage in real life but this is one of those times where the difference between fun/balance and realism are on totally different sides of the spectrum. I think that the crossbows should at least be able to one hit a zombie 4500 damage at least otherwise it is just a complete waste of space.

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