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Maximilian (DayZ)

Tents not saving inventory and dissapearing

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Lost all items inside my tent and a UAZ. At first i thought someone robbed me, but then i remembered that i had some low-quality items inside the tent, that i really doubt someone would pick.

Anyway, i'll think twice before setting a camp again before knowing for sure if the tents are working as they should.

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Bug still present, we've just lost a shitload of items

I can confirm that items in vehicles are getting lost too

EDIT: Server EU10, DayZ, Server Beta patch version 1.62.95170

Edited by Mourek

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Lost all ammo and all medical supplies.. the guns were in the cars... so i have guns no ammo no.med supplies and half my camp is gone yes.


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We have like 12 tents, and sometimes one or two that were full one day show up empty the next. (I don't think it was looters because of the items they took- like crossbow bolts + epi pens vs what they left in other tents like DMRs, NVG, etc... plus it was 100% of the items in those tents... and we had vehicles parked within feet of tents untouched.) It's been happening for a couple of patches.

There was also this 1 tent that would always lose anything we put in it.

Today, tents had completely disappeared after server updating. Friend restarted the server and the tents reappeared (gear inside). Though my L85 that was equipped disappeared off of my character.

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The problem my clan has is that tents simply wont die, you take down or destroy a tent.. its back on the next server restart. Seriously we've tried to destroy old camp sites about 1/2 dozen times and they keep coming back, each time with fresh duped loot. If you add up all our indestructible camps at this point we have 100+ indestructible duping tents stuffed with top tier gear that just keeps duping... its insane.

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And that is the real problem. Loot disappearing is no biggie. Infinite top-tier loot is a huge problem.

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