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Copperhead (DayZ)

A Newb's Tale

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In all, I've lived three very short lives in my short time with Day Z.

My first life unceremoniously ended when a bullet ripped through my head minutes after spawning on the beach near Cherno. After enduring a long install just to be capped in the head I closed the game and went to bed.

My second attempt went a little better the following day. Spawning once again a bit outside of a Cherno, I carefully made my way into the city. Though plenty of Zeds were around I successfully raided what I guessed to be a convenience store and continued to explore the city, avoiding z's all the while. I eventually spotted the hospital and made my way inside. After scouring the first floor for supplies, I made my way to the second floor and happened upon an Alice pack. Being new I hadn't quite mastered all of the intricacies of the inventory system and struggled for several painful minutes to switch out my packs. I never had a chance. A burst of what I guess to be AK fire ripped through my chest and killed me near instantly. Undeterred, I respawned.

For the beginning of my third life, I found myself in the vicinity of the airfield. I carefully traveled along the beach and spotted a military encampment. After scouting the camp and realizing I had little hope of fending off or sneaking by the zombies I headed into a nearby treeline hoping to find the nearby airfield. I traveled maybe 200 meters into those woods before hearing the first shots. Deciding to investigate, I headed towards the shots. After taking cover behind some bushes, I used a nice hole in the bushes to survey the scene. I saw one body on the ground with someone crouched over them raiding their bag. I watched this for a few moments thinking that after this guy left I'd be able to go in and take whatever was left behind. Suddenly, I heard foot steps to my back and right. Having already gone prone I hoped whoever this was would overlook my presence. My heart was beating as I saw him run by not more than 10 feet away. He engaged the would be looter and killed him. Now, I thought, this is good, I can loot two bodies and hopefully be set to live off the land until I got my bearings. Lying in the bushes for another 10 minutes while this guy looted his fresh kill, I was relieved when he finally left and the way was seemingly open. I counted down 60 seconds to make sure he was gone before crawling the 30 or so meters to the survivors' bodies. I found nothing of use in the first and silently crawled over to the second body. Rummaging through the pack I didn't hear the footsteps behind me, but I certainly felt the blade of his hatchet. With a few short strokes I was dead. Welcome, I thought, to the cutthroat world of Day Z :)

My fourth life began yesterday near Komarovo. I expected no kindness from strangers, shoot/hack on sight (if I ever got a gun/hatchet) became my mantra. Instead of heading into Komarovo I decided to trek to my left along the shoreline and take my chances with whatever lay ahead. After a good 20 minutes or so of crouch running and crawling along the shoreline I happened upon a town smaller than Komarovo. Here, I thought, I might actually have a fighting chance. I first stopped out some outlying walled in building only to find it was already looted. Newb's luck. I then left the building, crawled under the wall, and headed for town. I didn't see many zeds so I crouched walked in to have a look around. Not many buildings open in this town nor was there much loot laying around. Eventually I found some on the doorstep of some house. My elation was cut short by the telltale sound of an aroused zombie. Struggling to get back in standing position and then finding somehow that run had been turned off I panicked for a few moments until my button mashing allowed me to run again. Up and down and around I ran in the town, but that zombie never left my tail. I decided to make my break for the treeline north(?) of town. Running full tilt with the zombie on my heels thinking i could lose him in the forest. The hill as I quickly found out was not steep enough to slow him down. Out of nowhere I heard the report of gunfire from my right followed immediately by the whiz of a bullet and the thud of it hitting a nearby tree. Great, I thought, not only do I have a zombie on my ass, but now I have a bandit trying to kill me! I continued to run deeper into the woods. With a zombie chasing me and what seemed to be a bandit firing at me I grew desperate and disheartened. I simply gave up. Turning to face the zombie I resigned myself to "death by zed." Suddenly a second shot echoed in the woodlands and I saw blood explode from the zombies chest. Like in some b grade action flick, as the zombie went down my savior was revealed crouching down hill some 50 meters away. He slowly approached with his gun lowered and proceeded to ask if I was hurt. Thankfully I wasn't. As I stood there with the town to my right and my unknown savior to my front, I told him I was new to the game and hadn't played much. All the while he was crouched in the grass facing the town with his lee enfield across his knee. I saw him raise his rifle and turned to look to see two more zombies approaching some 30 meters away. He dropped them both with three shots before they could reach us. He must have ran out of ammo, because he dropped his rifle. At this very moment five or so zombies who were roused by the shots were coming straight for us. I contemplated running until I saw him pull out a hatchet, stand up, and charge the zombies. He easily downed two, but started bursting blood by the third. Despite this he made his stand and finished off this little horde of zombies. I approached him as he was bandaging up. He told me "Godspeed. I need to look for food." Not knowing what the hell Godspeed meant at the time (and yes now i know he was trying to send me on my way away from the town), I followed him back into town and around to all the buildings and loot spots. All the while he was dispensing advice and instructions of how to use this damned inventory system. At some point we got separated in the middle of the town. I lost sight of him for 3-5 minutes and somehow managed to startle a zombie who told all 8 of his friends. I proceeded to wildly run around town hoping to lose the zombies. I took some damage but thankfully I was not spewing blood. Again, I was growing desperate in my attempts to get away. I rounded a corner and to my surprise there he was again hatchet in hand charging straight past me into the small horde behind me. Over the next few moments zombies fell and he once again was spurting blood which, once again, did not deter him from finishing the job. He then knelt and bandaged himself again. When he was finished he rose up, said his goodbyes, dropped a few necessities, and turned and ran towards the pine woods outside the town. My guess is he was logging off for the night. As he left I finally moused over him and caught his name--The Night's Watch. Having read all the books in the game of thrones series, his name made perfect sense for his actions in that town and the surrounding woods. I'm truly grateful for what he did and have even managed to survive a few more hours before I logged off hiding in a pine forest (his suggestion). My encounter with him has truly made this game and the interactions with other players far more difficult. Knowing there are players like him out there has totally destroyed my so recently adapted shoot first, ask later policy. I hope he/she gets to read this so he'll know just how appreciative I am of his kindness and the risks he took.

"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

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happened to me also i get nervous when i met people in the game if you stay with them is i learned you stay behind them

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