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your first murder experience

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I logged in when I found out that a friend of mine had broken his legs and was stuck in the military area between Balota and Cherno. Sadly, I didn't have any morphine to give him but he was stuck in a tent with a ton a zombies walking around. As I was cleaning out the area a bit, another person runs up and calls out "friendly". Having no intention of killing him, I also called out "friendly". After a brief exchange, he proceeds to help finish off the zombies in the area. My friend was telling me to shoot the guy the whole time. The new person had an AKM while my friend only had an axe and he was trying to convince me that this new guy would turn and shoot us at any moment.

My friend had started crawling around searching the tents, hoping to find some morphine and I was going through my bag, tossing out some stuff I really didn't need (...how did these flares get in here...) when another wave of zombies attacked the guy that had stopped there with us. I didn't see them due to being distracted. Once he killed them, he popped off with something like "thanks for the f***ing help there". As soon as I saw his gun swing in my direction, I popped him in the head. After not finding any morphine, I mercy killed my crippled friend, picked up the other guys AKM and some ammo, and went off down the coast to help out my newly respawned friend.

...I honestly felt a little bad for what had happened after it was all done, but I am over that now. B)

Edited by ThatEricGuy

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My first murder was the first time I've played this. Way back when side chat was in every server and we started off with a makarov, and when you ran into someone 80% of the time you would team up with them instead of killing them.

Met up with a friend by a church.

Inside of the walls surrounding the church.

Friend sees a guy crawling up to our location from outside of the walls.

I ask him if hes freindly and we get no reply after asking twice.

My friend stays by one opening where the crawling guy is headed to and I go around and shoot him in the ass 8 times.

Those were the good dayz.

When you could actually talk to people without being in killing range.

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I was making my way down the Electro firestation stairs and this guy had his back towards me looting a pile. What's even worse is I was just shooting zombies upstairs seconds earlier

Tip: always clear the building you are in before looting.

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I was in Cherno. I was inside the market playing with three friends when I got kicked for no aparent reason from the server.

We all switched servers so we could play together. Just ten seconds after I logged in my friends started yelling "There are some guys coming in the market" and the fire fight started.

I had no idea who was the enemy. I shoot at everything that moved. Everyone got killed but me and a friend, but we only realized that after we both were dead almost at the same time.

Dunno if my first kill was blue on blue, but I'm sure I killed a friend. =(

8 deaths in less than two minutes (two of then friendly fire) Nobody won.

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I was a newb hanging around the cherno and electra trying to learn how to survive. I was constantly being sniped or eaten by zombies at the time, but I figured this was what it took to learn the game.

Then on one spawn, I had gotten myself a dinner bell, which was hot shit for me at that point.

Then the moment arrives. I turn a corner and see someone half way down a ladder of a big chimeny. After being shot so many times, it was simply instinctual that now it was my turn to kill.

I proned down, brough the iron sights up, and brought my aim up to his head. I squeezed off one round and watched the player pause, then drop off the ladder and die. I'm not sure if my shot killed him or if I knocked him off the ladder which killed him, but he died none the less.

Then someone sniped me, but I had my first taste of blood. Now if I have a clear shot, there is no doubt or hesitation to take that shot.

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