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Beyhond frustrating. BattleEye, DayZ, Arma2, SixLauncher

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What is going on with this new patch ???

SixLauncher refuses to update, it hangs on 89% downloaded for hours.

Manually updating DayZ and Arma2, still shows "Update" in SixLauncher.

After Manual update, trying to play DayZ through Arma's multiplayer list, gets me kicked off every server I try to join.

Checking Arma2's integrity of local content in Steam, produces a flag that one file was corrupt and fixed. However if I run the integrity again, it puts up that message again, and "fixes" it again.

Trying to reinstall BattleEye through Steam gives me "Missing string" error

Manually updated BattleEye to their latest version, now game just hangs at "Loading" screen.

WTF ????????

How can it all be so disjointed? I understand that DayZ is a mod and in Alpha stage, but this goes beyond that. This is just incompetence.

I'm reading 10 different topics on this issue with 20 different ways to fix it, and not a single OFFICIAL word on the problem, either from BattleEye, Bohemia or Rocket.

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I'm having the same problem... currently reinstalling everything from scratch. I couldn't think of anything else to do.

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I have been sitting at loading screen forever as well.

This seems to be happening to lots of people.

From what I have read so far, it may be a BE problem?

Not quite sure, but apparently there is a fix for it.

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