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I was on a UK server (GB #00 multiplay dayzmod.com) of 4 people including myself....

me and a friend were camped in the middle of a forest away from everything!

out of the blue someone pulled up in a vehicle shot my friend looted our tent of everything we had gathered over 2 days and then chased me, i managed to escape wounded and bleeding.

i thought it was pot luck at first someone stumbled across us on this LARGE map!

i headed back into town to try and get supplies in the pitch black, as soon as i was just about to pick up gear near a building, i got shot at, no lights or anything to give me away... i ran for 15 mins back into the woods guided by nothing but tabbing into my map every 5 mins..

i layed down in the grass for 10 mins not even moving, nobody was near... i was explaining someone was hacking to my friend on teamspeak, then all of a suddon i had 3 point blank shots and i was dead,

NO WAY this guy could track me with night vision! and even if he did, why wait 10 mins and watch me lay on the floor not moving?

and thinking about it there is NO WAY someone could stumble across our camp in the middle of nowhere steal EVERYTHING and get off in a matter of seconds and then track me down shortly after in a totally different location!

the names of the people on this server NOT including myself were...

Adz killed your mom



ONE of them players were hacking in my opinion!!!

its hard enough to stay alive with murderers betrayers and not to mention the zombies as it is...


if i ever met these pricks in person i would love to throw them in a pit of zombies and watch them get teared apart!

they have ruined this game for me and my 5 friends that play along side me and we have chose to stop playing it until there is more enforcement provoked on servers to stop hackers.

(i await all the TROLLING reply's) antihack.jpg

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Its battleyes worthless ass. But yeah theres a map hack to see tents etc...

Edited by PimpinSmurf

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Well, they didn't exactly force you to do anything. You made a decision yourself and blamed the hackers for "forcing" you.

-My two beans

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The only way to play the game currently is to treat all your gear as disposable. If you hoard items/vehicles, etc. you'll just end up disappointed when your 2 week char gets instantly killed or someone who just logged in finds and teleports to your camp. If you only focus on accumulating things you'll just end up frustrated.

Edited by Jimmy James
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Do not use tents. Hackers will teleport to them. You can see that in my post history. Stay away from areas where hackers like to tele to and kill people. Do not get attached to gear.

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Then just go to some singleplayer to get rid of the hackers once and for all.

nice workaround... but i think your on your own there

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Well, they didn't exactly force you to do anything. You made a decision yourself and blamed the hackers for "forcing" you.

-My two beans

your probably one of the hackers seeing as u would rather undermined my statement instead of commenting on my point and agreeing hackers ruin games.

im sure everyone decides not to play a game if its full of hackers... whats the point in playing a game when people are just killing it by cheating?

i started this post for others who agree with my opinions! not to have the likes of you point the finger at me and try and make out i have no reason to be pissed off with hackers on DayZ or make out that its no big deal and i am the one over reacting.

for future notice if you or anyone else posts negative reply's on this thread i will be ignoring them/

i think i made my point i have no time for you, just the players who agree that hackers should be stopped on Dayz for the rest of us to play fair.

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PFFT doesnt prove hacking to me. one of them could have had a thermal scope. 10 minutes sounds about right to find you after pursuit using thermal. IF they were hackers they would have just insta killed you.

I hate hackers as much as the next player, but you just sound like a butt hurt survivor who got outwitted.....

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I think he was testing a theory, then he confirmed his theory. I don't see any proof but its enough proof for him.

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Do not use tents. Hackers will teleport to them. You can see that in my post history. Stay away from areas where hackers like to tele to and kill people. Do not get attached to gear.

thanx for that heads up dude, really did not know. as me and our group have only been playing Dayz for like a week, we aint sure about the bad points yet.

i hope they do get this problem enforced, as me and my friends agree its one of the best games/mods out there.

perfect feel, and idea of survival like no other game out there.

DayZ Rules!!!

over 200,000 sales of ARMA II and ARMA OA since this mod was released! (maybe more by now)

this has rocketed the game into orbit and hopefully the devs are gonna use this to there advantage and make it the best experience EVER

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You had the same issue me and my friends had when we started. Just ignore the haters / hackers on here that cry about you complaining. I wasn't sure what the hackers could do either so I try and keep myself up to date to avoid them. I find that I can have fun and play the game and avoid them if I know what they are capable of doing. Only bad thing is one of my friends that started with me now no longer plays because of how bad it was when we started. Its getting better over time with each patch IMO. Just start learning what they can do and you will learn to avoid them. GL to ya.

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PFFT doesnt prove hacking to me. one of them could have had a thermal scope. 10 minutes sounds about right to find you after pursuit using thermal. IF they were hackers they would have just insta killed you.

I hate hackers as much as the next player, but you just sound like a butt hurt survivor who got outwitted.....

no i got clear of whoever was shooting at me by running for ages in the dark, after i thought i had got away, i layed down in the forest prone, and was talking to a friend on teamspeak for 10 mins then i had point blank shots that killed me, no sound of footsteps approaching me, NOTHING... so yes it is proof enough for me that there was a hacker...

on a server of 4 out of 50 players, i got tracked down 3 times in the pitch black with no warning that there was anyone even near me... and also as u can see there is a teleport hack...

i rest my case.

if u still think im just over reacting then your just being plain ignorant to the fact there are hackers taking advantage,

butt hurt survivor who got outwitted ??? i know what but hurt is mate...

last night i traveled for 2 hours to find my group only to be killed as soon as i got there, i traveled again straight after for a further 2 hours and got killed AGAIN! as i got there, i done this ALL DAY! and kept getting killed as i had gathered equipment and got to the group... only to find out it was my own mate who was thinking im an enemy heading into our safe zone...

THAT my friend is butt hurt!

but that does not bother me, its just one of the knocks u get in the game, its what makes it so good to go so far and loose it all in an instant either by accident from a dumbass friendly, or a badass cold blooded killer hunting you for your goods.

what does bother me that on top of that u have to worry about hackers!

Edited by Susscon

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You had the same issue me and my friends had when we started. Just ignore the haters / hackers on here that cry about you complaining. I wasn't sure what the hackers could do either so I try and keep myself up to date to avoid them. I find that I can have fun and play the game and avoid them if I know what they are capable of doing. Only bad thing is one of my friends that started with me now no longer plays because of how bad it was when we started. Its getting better over time with each patch IMO. Just start learning what they can do and you will learn to avoid them. GL to ya.

guess we have all got to just push on and do what we can... i wont stop playing it totally, (the games too awesome) but if there was no case of hackers spoiling the game for people i wont be on here now bitching about them like a moody 4 yr old and instead playing Dayz cooking some steaks by a camp fire :thumbsup: :D

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Played for about a week now with no incident until last night...

this time with the most common hack... me and a friend running and as we got to a crash site we both hit the floor with broken legs and got teleported to a point with every player in one spot.

quickly logged out and joined an empty server, and just so happend we both had plenty of morphine, so we fixed up and headed on to another server with less people.

Looks like we beat the hackers this time, and survived it.

but i have noticed they target full servers the most.

the server we were on was, US 1230 and had been playing on it all day until the server became full and had a hack attack.

these guys must have been picked on in school for them to spend there time ruining peoples fun!

anyways, F*** Y** HACKERS! u didnt get us this time.

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The hackers didn't FORCE him......

What a shit reply, the actions of the hackers have given him 2 options, continously get his gear stolen and his head blown off in the middle of nowhere or quit and wait til it's safe to play.

You don't have to take things so literally, I think we are all aware that the hackers didn't take a gun to his head irl

Edited by Primeh
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