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Detta (DayZ)

[DayZ Story] The hard Days ahead. <UPDATED>

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I'm just writing this short story for fun, hoping someone will get amused.

Most of the names mentioned in this story will be names of clan members.

I will add chapters every now and then to progress the story.

The story is a slightly modified version of how we as a clan progress ingame.

Everything is set in a different perspective in this story however.

Also, thanks to my lovely clan; Detta Company.

Comments are greatly appreciated! Pretty please?

Chapter 1



As I woke up in my bed that morning, I rushed to check for the newspaper outside.

I lived in a small town called 'Nadezhdhino' with my father, he was obsessed with guns, specifically shotguns.

As I was about to leave out the door, he asked if I could go to the neighbor and borrow some sugar.

The neighbor was a fat man around the age of 50. His family had left him, and he was mostly keeping to himself.

The newspaper was lying in a pool of water. "Fucking paperboy" I thought, without picking it up.

I walked over to the neighbor's door, and I started pounding on the door.

No response.

I pounded again, no response.

I tried opening the door, and it was unlocked to my surprise. He always kept it locked.

I walked in, and I started yelling out his name. I walked into the living room, and no one was there.

I proceeded into the kitchen. I took a quick peek out of the window, and I could look at his back yard.

There was a small sign on the ground, on top of some fresh dirt.

"Rest in Peace Johnny. I love you." is what it said. I was saddened, I used to play with that cat once in a while.

I assumed the cat had died of age, it was quite old.

I left the house, and I went into the back yard. I plucked the only flower I could find in the yard, although it was quite ugly.

I placed it on the top of the poor cat's grave, and I turned around. I noticed the cellar door was open, so I went in.

The stairs were long, and the light switch was inconveniently placed at the other end of the room.

I knew, because he and my father used to sit together sometimes and fix weapons.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, everything was dark. I walked towards the light switch and I stumbled on something and fell.

I fell into a pool of some kind of liquid, and I was horrified. It was dark and I didn't know what it was.

It could be urine, it could be anything. My legs was placed on something, and I quickly got up and ran towards the switch.

I froze.

It was him, our neighbor. He was lying in his own blood next to his most prized shotgun.

I got a huge adrenaline kick and I didn't know what I could do. The only thing I could hear was my heart, it felt like I was going to throw it up.

I was about to run to my father, when I noticed a piece of paper lying a few steps ahead of him.

It was a note.


What was I to make of this? I was shocked.

I didn't think of what I read, my mind wasn't able to process it.

I dropped it, and I ran. When I slammed the door open, you would think I had ran all the way from Elektrozavodsk.

End of Chapter 1..

Chapter 2


To UbiquitousBadGuy, I didn't change the formatting for a few reasons.

It destroys the voice I want the readers to hear, and the speed they read it in.

I apologize.


People had gathered.

We were all staring into the eyes of the void, deep beneath the scarred emotions of the fallen.




A few pieces of him reflected on all of us that night. I was unable to read my father's blank face although I could see him clearly, illuminated by the lantern he so firmly held.

His face looked like he knew this would happen. Maybe just not this soon.

3 days went by in completely silence. Any attempt to talk to him was in vain. I only got facial expressions and nods.

It's like he set his life in hiatus, and when he finally talked to me, he invited me to sit down in the living room.

"I'm going to go away for a bit. I don't know when I'll be back, but once I return then all this will be completely forgotten."

"Wha"-- he interrupted me.

"You're 20 years old now, you can handle things by yourself. I've spoken with Katie, if you want then you can live there."

Katie was a friend of the family, only a few years older than me. I had a crush on her when I was little, but she ended up being the matriarch in the neighborhood.

She moved to Chernogorsk to pursue her dream as a journalist.

He left, shushing my every attempt to speak. I wasn't sure if I was dreaming, or if this was real. Did it matter?


I sat down again, knowing there was nothing I could do.

As the hours went of pacing back and forth in the living room, I came to the conclusion that I had to find him.

He was emotionally unstable, capable of both nothing and anything.

I packed.

I felt a rush of excitement as well as hopelessness. It was obvious that my dull life had gotten a game changer.

It was clear where I had to start looking.

When my mother died, he also had a time of reconciliation, putting things together. It was less dramatic however.

Before I was born, he and my grandfather had built a small cabin north-east out of Mogilevka.

It was a quite nice place, sometimes we would go hunting and isolating ourselves from the troubles of the outside world.

I stole a bicycle along the road to get to Chernogorsk so I could ask Katie to drive me, and inform her of the situation.

I looked around in the city, and I couldn't help but noticing that people looked slightly disturbed.

I didn't put much though into it. With everything that had been going through my mind lately, it wasn't all that weird.

I rang the bell, and I heard a familiar voice mumbling something along the lines of "I'm coming".

I looked at the memorial, and I saw a homeless guy sitting infront of it. "I had dreams, they were clouds in my coffee."

I couldn't really interpret what it meant but he had this distinguished look about him. He noticed me staring, and he returned the gesture.

Suddenly, the door opened. Making my name known to the whole street, she hugged me and welcomed me inside.

End of Chapter 2..

Chapter 3

The days of DayZ aren't far now. Feedback and criticism is greatly welcomed!

Also, sorry if you experience the intro as slow. I'll do my best to make it worth it.

Edited by Detta
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If you read it, please provide feedback. I really need replies on this topic if anyone is to read it.

Sorry for double post, one might call it necessary. :rolleyes:

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It's unbelievable how motivating your comments are. Thanks a lot tewi and skepy!

I might include people who comment if I feel their response provides any value to the story writing.

People, please write what you think.

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Wow I really like it. I didn't know you were such a good writer Detta. I think it is really good and the note was interesting. I think if you keep doing stuff like that it would be really cool.

~ Jake

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Wow I really like it. I didn't know you were such a good writer Detta. I think it is really good and the note was interesting. I think if you keep doing stuff like that it would be really cool.

~ Jake

Thanks a lot man, I really appreciate it! I'll definitely write more on this.

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Moved to General DayZ since you're looking for more exposure.

Also, might I suggest you left-justify your story so it's not centered on the screen? It's tiring for the eyes to scan for each new line and it doesn't look as professional.

Like your sense of pacing and dialogue, even the included image. Just needs some formatting changes. :)

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Moved to General DayZ since you're looking for more exposure.

Also, might I suggest you left-justify your story so it's not centered on the screen? It's tiring for the eyes to scan for each new line and it doesn't look as professional.

Like your sense of pacing and dialogue, even the included image. Just needs some formatting changes. :)

Thanks for the criticism. I'll change the formatting once I start writing on the next chapter, I'm just used with long topics being midcentered :).


Edit: An anonymous user is following the thread. Oh how overjoyed I am! :D

Edited by Detta

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Your story was actually pretty nice. I wasn't expecting it to be so short though - i guess you're adding more.

Btw, the picture broke for me - but i'm sure it was something on my browser side and not your issue.

If you add more to it or re-do it make sure to re-PM me with the link so i can read the rest :).

TLDR; Good story - make it longer :).

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Your story was actually pretty nice. I wasn't expecting it to be so short though - i guess you're adding more.

Btw, the picture broke for me - but i'm sure it was something on my browser side and not your issue.

If you add more to it or re-do it make sure to re-PM me with the link so i can read the rest :).

Gracias Diederik, I will be sure to do so :). About the image, the image is uploaded on tinypic. It's also in a spoiler in case you missed it.

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It's unbelievable how motivating your comments are. Thanks a lot tewi and skepy!

I might include people who comment if I feel their response provides any value to the story writing.

People, please write what you think.

If I can be part of your story could I be a Captain of some sort.

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The thread has been updated, a new chapter has been updated. Feedback is welcome as always! Thanks in advance :)

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Good stuff, I actually read it aloud in a Russian accent and it Brings it to a whole new level. How do you fancy doing a DayZ video and Voice over in said accent? Video and picture montage?

You Have great potential! One small step with a Home video and next who knows!!

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Good stuff, I actually read it aloud in a Russian accent and it Brings it to a whole new level. How do you fancy doing a DayZ video and Voice over in said accent? Video and picture montage?

You Have great potential! One small step with a Home video and next who knows!!

That would be awesome, but sadly Arma II physics would not allow for such elaborate in-game storytelling :\.

Thanks for the great feedback!

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