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Was this a hacker?

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Me and some friends were on NWA, filling Jerries, when another car showed up. We started shooting, shit hit the fan, they killed 1 of us and we first got 2 of them, and after sneaking from behing I found and kill the third and last one. We took their car and ours and headed to a camp.

An hour later, this "TheWalking" guy that was the last to die before, appears near us (we were far from the coast) and does a beeline to their car. It was pitch black, he didn't have NVGs or anything at all, really. He got into the car and one of us shot him down. No message appeared in the server saying "X was killed". No flies were heard. But the body was there. A "study body" said it was TheWalking again. He had no gear. Not even a flashlight, nor a backpack.

So, is there a hack that I don't know, teleports you near a vehicle that you tagged or something? I wouldn't want to ban the guy unless it was absolutely clear that he was hacking... but if this isn't ZOMG H4X, I don't know what is.



Edited by LupineWolf

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Yes, there are hacks for that, there are also scripts that teleport cars to the hacker's player. :/

Edited by icomrade

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So, if we get rid of that particular vehicle they had, is that enough? Or can he jump teleport to any vehicle spawned on that server?


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Its important to add that the player Disconnected and did not return to the server after we killed him the first time, so when he showed up again 45mins later in pitch black he wasnt on the ingame players list. He couldnt see it was black as hell and he ran past me so that confirms he couldnt see, but im supposed to believe that he ran from the coast like he was magnetized to the vehicle. No looking around or nothing but he got into vehicle and jumped straight into back seat which was where i shot him in the face. No sound of flies but a dead guy in the back seat. after "check body" it said "the walking was killed by..... (blank space) WTF is going on.

He had "nothing at all" on him, no bandage,flashlight or anything. And again he was not on the list of players in-game since we killed him 45mins previous. One thing i should also mention was when i shot him the message "hold your fire" appeared in blue writing down in bottom left of the screen like he was a friendly AI spawned player or something. VERY VERY STRANGE.

There is simply no possibility that he ran to the vehicle after he respawned so that theory can be ruled out completely.

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I think it's safe to say that you've got a hacker on your hands. I have a friend who had a Battleye bypass, and he showed me a few of the scripts that were at his disposal...These hackers can do some pretty crazy shit if they want to.

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Yeah our very conclusion, but the guys in question have since contacted us and pleaded their case very well. They sound like nice guys and a hacker wouldnt bother about getting banned from a server where he can hack any other server, right?

They say after we killed them the three of them went onto a russian server and played like normal and at the time of the incident were in game on that server.

Im still very confused,

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