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PvE Severs?

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Anyone know of any PvE only servers? Or if that even exisit in this game. I just want to explore the game a little have fun trying ot survive and mess with the stuff, but all I ever seem to come across when I play is people camping the hot spots for loot. There's no way to really interact with anyone on this game, I know you can talk to them with you're mics. But if I log in and I just want to find a buddy that wants to run around collect stuff kill zombies etc etc. There's no real way for me to reach out to these people in game, and it's really lame.

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There are ways to do that with your own server, but I'm pretty sure telling you would be against the rules.

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Try to find the DayZ SP version on the internet then launch and there you go.

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Nope, dealing with other players is part of DayZ.

If you want to explore Chernarus, fire up the game without the DayZ mod, open the editor, and put yourself and a vehicle in game. Then explore to your hearts content.

If you're not being successful alone, find some friends to co-op with. Get Teamspeak and coordinate.

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