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Per Ole

when I press "fire" it gets stuck in fire mode

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Basically, when I press the mouse button my weapon keeps firing, whether it's a hatchet or a rifle or whatever. This is really annoying, as it throws away ammo etc. Any way to fix this? And I don't mean I hold down the button, I click it to fire once and it just gets stuck in fire mode. One way to get it to stop firing is to open chat, but clicking again, clicking F or anything else doesn't work

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please help, this is really ruining my game experience :(

Tried swapping fire key as well, to a keyboard key. didn't make a difference.

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not gotten any full auto weapons yet, so no idea.

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just got a winchester 1866, doesn't happen with it. However, in the same GAME I had a hatchet and a Lee Enfield, happened with those

Edited by Per Ole

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still happens with a lot of weapons, winchester 1866 is so far the only one I've had that it doesn't happen with

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not gotten a winchester 1866 since that time, and I died bad. Now got a lee enfield, still happening with it. Very annoying having to open and close chat between every shot so that I can actually have time to aim the second one before it's fired. It's like an autoclicker or something

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finally gotten my hands on some full auto weapons. When they're in full auto mode, same shit happens they keep firing, reload, and firing. If I turn it to semi it only fires once. weird

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come on, can't fire any weapon full auto or use other weapons at all, no one can help?

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yes. Like I said, assigned the "fire" command to a keyboard button and tried that, same story.

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seems like this happens when holding the mouse button will keep firing the gun, like full auto, lee enfield, hatchet, etc. For handguns and semi auto, works fine

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ok so now I found a M249, same thing here. it just keeps firing until the belt is empty, reload and it keeps firing. Since it has no single shot mode, I'm screwed :(

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still happening and still annoying as I can't use any weapons. Tried posting about it in bug reports, but I can't see it there yet (this was a couple of days ago)

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ok so now I found a M249, same thing here. it just keeps firing until the belt is empty, reload and it keeps firing. Since it has no single shot mode, I'm screwed :(

Does it reload by itself?

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Does it reload by itself?

Nope, it doesn't, but it keeps firing after I reload.

Confirmed that the same thing happens with the M24

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I made an account in the hopes someone here could help solve a serious problem I'm having, but I did a search of the forums before making the thread, and it's exactly as this person has described.

When I fire a weapon (such as the hatchet), I will just keep firing forever without touching anything. There is no way to make it stop except opening the chat, map, or some other menu interface. Even then, it only pauses it, until the next time I fire.

For further details, just read through this thread. This poster's experience is 100% identical to my own.

It's wasting ammo, not to mention immersion breaking :( If anyone has any idea about how to fix this, I would really appreciate it.

Edited by -Azrael-

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There has to be someone that knows what causes this, or how to fix it. Hopefully that person sees this thread :P

Edit: I installed DayZ Commander, restarted my computer (for other reasons), and set Steam to stop automatically showing me the CD Keys.

Not sure which of those things (if any of them) were relevant, but I just ran it with DayZ Commander and it stopped doing it. For the first time, I can choose to not continually swing my hatchet forever lol.

Edited by -Azrael-

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