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Last Patch fucks up my graphics badly

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  On 7/28/2012 at 2:54 AM, ImpZ said:

Speaking of military objects... The graphical glitches I was getting was close to Balota or whatever the place is called Airstrip, bunch of jeeps, barbwire, etc there. And crazy graphical glitches all over the place.

yeah and people also get it at NWAF and Stary where there are also military objects, and im guessing if i headed towards berezino where there are some tents aswell, i would get the same thing, it has to be related to that, but why? that is the 1m dollar question, what went so horribly wrong?

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I was in NWAF some hours ago, playing at night time, and it was dark as all hell. My friend was complaining about some graphical issues he was having while we were by the fire station, but i was unaffected.

I was however annoyed that i couldn't see anything even with gamma and brightness cranked all the way up.. Then i checked my HDR setting, and it turned out it was at the lowest setting possible. I turned it up to very high, so that i could see properly in the darkness, and then i got the graphical artifacts as well!

Didn't think much of it at the time, just passed it off as a random occurrence. I see now that it is a common issue.

So, try turning HDR to a lower setting, see if that helps. I didn't try it turning it back down, so who knows if it works. Just throwing it out there.

That is all. Hudson out.

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I was having this problem tonight, and I think I found a solution. Go to the Arma 2 folder in My Documents, and open *playername*.Arma2OAProfile (you will need NFOPad or some similar program to edit the file). Near the bottom, find the line called "sceneComplexity". I changed the value to 100000, and the problem stopped for me. I'm not sure if this will work for everyone, though, but you could give it a shot.

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I am getting graphics issues like the first image, where half the screen is glitched up. But if I look down it seems to repair itself for a while before coming back.

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It's not from barbed wire.

I can see barbed wire perfectly fine in-game.

It just randomly happens for me, though I don't think what I have are really considered artifacts.

It isn't server related either.

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i had this sometimes before this patch, but that was only in some servers. and then my friend had it too. so probably the server.

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I used to get this alot on earlier builds(1.4). Now its back!! Laura croft would be proud of all the artifacts I have found though out Chernarus. Please fix!! Is it still the damn Wire rolls again?

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  On 7/27/2012 at 11:38 PM, chaR said:

All you should have to do to fix this is go into video options, change the value for video memory to some other value than you currently have it. This usually happens when I have it set to Very High but I just change it to Default. It has been happening quite a bit since this new patch.

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Also having graphics problems since the patch, but it was fine before.


  On 7/28/2012 at 1:18 PM, OmegaC4 said:

All you should have to do to fix this is go into video options, change the value for video memory to some other value than you currently have it. This usually happens when I have it set to Very High but I just change it to Default. It has been happening quite a bit since this new patch.

Thanks for this advise I will try it out as my vid mem is set to v high also

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lol its pretty easy to tell rocket doesnt know what hes doing. Trying to fix one thing TOTALLY breaks the game and cant see shit. The ship is sinking guys time to find the next new thing.

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lol its pretty easy to tell rocket doesnt know what hes doing. Trying to fix one thing TOTALLY breaks the game and cant see shit. The ship is sinking guys time to find the next new thing.

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Wierd, before this patch I would get these things everyone is talking about, but only on like one out of every 12 servers.

Have only played on 2 servers so far since the dayz update but I had none of the graphics issues.

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  On 7/27/2012 at 11:55 PM, Inception. said:

Least you can get into a game.

yup. Ive been unable to get into a server for 2days now. Kicked from the server ftw !!

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I also got this graphic glitch this morning (.I have ATI card)

I was in Berezino going towards the tents,and suffered the glitch.I had to stop and go back to safety as I couldn't see anything at all while looking towards the tents,graphics cleared up as soon as I looked a way from them.

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  On 7/28/2012 at 1:18 PM, OmegaC4 said:

All you should have to do to fix this is go into video options, change the value for video memory to some other value than you currently have it. This usually happens when I have it set to Very High but I just change it to Default. It has been happening quite a bit since this new patch.

I've got mine already on default.

  On 7/28/2012 at 3:02 PM, A Bush killed me said:

lol its pretty easy to tell rocket doesnt know what hes doing. Trying to fix one thing TOTALLY breaks the game and cant see shit. The ship is sinking guys time to find the next new thing.

It's an alpha, shit like this is bound to happen.

Be happy the game is already availible. There aren't many games that have an open alpha phase, let alone one this popular.

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I notice this around fallen soldiers. Like the ones at tents near Stary, Balota, and NW air field.

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Noticed this when I looked towards the mil tents in Berezino, as soon as I looked away the problem went away.

Will keep an eye on this thread to see if a solution presents itself.

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