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DayZ Developers ....

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Please, dont put the whole thing to the new ARMA 3 engine, the one that you now using, the ARMA 2 engine with the whole Pack is PERFECT.. Most of the People (i think) wouldnt mind if you make it Standalone for like 15 Dollars, even if Bohemia takes some of the Cake, the ARMA 2 Engine you are now working with is Perfect and there is alot more you can do, ALOT more, this Engine is endless !! There can be more Maps you can Travel to, maybe destructable Buildings, Ragdolls ! The Potential of what you can do is BAR up MAX! ... IF i have to pay 15 more bucks, thats absulutely fine, you deserve it !...

Edited by WasabiFist

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What do you think ArmA III will be? It is another game in this series, just an upgraded engine. There will be better physics (ragdoll effects), more destructible buildings, etc. ArmA III will only be an upgrade of ArmA II.

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What do you think ArmA III will be? It is another game in this series, just an upgraded engine. There will be better physics (ragdoll effects), more destructible buildings, etc. ArmA III will only be an upgrade of ArmA II.

Yes, thats what i mean! So instead of upgrading it to the ARMA 3 engine and make us have to pay for ARMA 3 they can all do it with ARMA 2, Standalone, they can add TONS more things and this Engine, i think, the Engine truly looks nice ... Do you get my Point

Edited by WasabiFist

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The current ArmA II Engine doesn't support those effects. And how would any game companies make money if they just released new content in free patches all the time?

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If that's the case, we wont have to pay for Arma III. DayZ will be a standalone game that just happens to use the engine that is used in Arma III. Engine does not mean game.

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The current ArmA II Engine doesn't support those effects. And how would any game companies make money if they just released new content in free patches all the time?

Well, its their Engine, they Released it that messed up and badly Programmed so they can at least make it so we have the appropriate FPS we should have .. Do you even get what im saying.. I do believe that the Engine could do alot more if handed standalone and free to Program, to the Developers. This can be the Minecraft of the Shooters and like i mentioned on the ARMA 2 Engine...

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I dont understand.. first you praise the engine and now you are saying it is "messed up and badly programmed". What point are you trying to make if any? ArmA II is already "free to program" look at Armaholic and all the community made addons/mods. There are more than you could ever wish to try. It is an "appropriate fps" and many people seem to enjoy it.

Again, I really don't see what point you are trying to make..

Edited by Hidden_Ops

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I dont understand.. first you praise the engine and now you are saying it is "messed up and badly programmed". What point are you trying to make if any? ArmA II is already "free to program" look at Armaholic and all the community made addons/mods. There are more than you could ever wish to try. It is an "appropriate fps" and many people seem to enjoy it.

Again, I really don't see what point you are trying to make..

First of all, i never praised the Engine... Only for its look, not for the actual programming. Second i think keeping the focus on a Standalone for ARMA 2, this Engine, will attract many more Players and treat the People with not that much Money in their Pockets far better. Third, ive read in some Magazine wich is really famous, that the Developer wants to add Ragdolls, buildable Houses, etc etc.

Here is the Source


»Damit sich die Leute nicht ausgebeutet fühlen, benötigen wir jede Menge neue Inhalte. Dazu zählen unter anderem solche Dinge wie zum Beispiel der Bau einer Basis, die Verfeinerung der Animationen, das Hinzufügen von Rag-Doll-Effekten und solche Sachen.«

If you have any good Translator, Translate it

Maybe i dont get the Point why you are even arguing in a Thread that you dont even like or seem to support ... And so on ..

I mean just imagine it on THIS Engine as a Standalone, much well Programmed and sharpened, Ragdoll, Houses and even more Stuff to come ! Why throw it all in the Water and let the People buy ARMA 3 ..

Edited by WasabiFist

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To be honest, maybe i overacted a little in the first post, saying its all Perfect and i hope you do get my Point... i mean just look at it and all the Maps arma 2 has to offer and so on and so on ... It could be so much better

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What is this.jpg

Sense, can you make it, please?

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The arma 2 engine doesn't support the features you want. The arma 3 engine does. Developing a game isn't as easy as you seem to believe it is. And finally, if the game goes standalone, they're not likely going to only charge $15. It will probably be on par with most other games ($30-60 usd.)

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The arma 2 engine doesn't support the features you want. The arma 3 engine does. Developing a game isn't as easy as you seem to believe it is. And finally, if the game goes standalone, they're not likely going to only charge $15. It will probably be on par with most other games ($30-60 usd.)

Luckily, that will be at least a year or two at best.

Though the best thing for DayZ to get now is proper hitbox registration and ragdoll physics!

It would definately get me out killing zombies just to pile up them bodies and watch them fly meters in the air when I headshot them with an AS50 with only centimeters distance to their face!

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