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Femme Fatale

Server Question...

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So friend has leased a 40 slot server he is following the strict rules and so forth, and mostly he did this to give his friends a place to play but obviously its open to anyone to join.

However my concern is what if the server is full and we all decide to play??

Can he set aside say 10 slots of the 40 for friends or is that break some rule we have yet to read about?

Edited by Femme Fatale

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You cant reserve slots. The game doesnt support it

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You get somewhere to put your tents with the knowledge it'll be there the day after.

That's about it.

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Stable place to play. If you make a camp, you'll know you'll have a place to go home to for it versus a random server that could cancel any moment. You also get to say you helped grow DayZ into the mod it is now. It's almost no different then hosting a CS:S/TF2/BF3, etc server. I don't reserve slots on my game servers for my community. My belief is if you take care of the server and have a great place to play, people will donate (clan or not) to keep it open. No donation perks and no reserved slots and my dedi gets payed for in whole by donations :).

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