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Thank you, Bandit Camp TH1 server

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To the great bandits of TH1 Thailand servers, thanks for that giant stash you left unguarded. I started yesterday and now have NVG, Gilly suit, coyote proper pack, scoped rifle, tons of ammo, full food recovery of blood,GPS, all tools. I have no doubt I'll lose it all eventually, but you treated a noob right by not leaving a sniper to guard your 7 tents. If it makes you feel better, I didn't take anything you didn't have or more of, other than food.

So thank you. Really.I'll play on another server now. I suggest you move your camp from those woods between Chemo and Elecktro.

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you treated a noob right by not leaving a sniper to guard your 7 tents.

got to imagine how hilarious it would be if someone was supposed to guard it and had to take a shit or something :D

Edited by MrKittens
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That was my camp.... :(

Just to clarify this, me and my friends are not bandits! All the weapons where have aggregated was by effort and not by simply killing people for it.

Im not mad that you took our stuff, but if you actually do come back to take more things, please do not save the tents!

PE: how the hell im i suppose to find somebody to guard it 24/7?

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yo secret is safe with me, but dude, If I can find it, others can. You want to move anyway.

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