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dupers..i gave them something they wont forget.

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I guess you could say I infiltrated their clan, whatever. These guys were pretty cool up until they started duping a guillie suit that we found. Now I knew where all those nvgs came from. They were so excited to have them on and with my frustration I told them I would take a picture of them all! That is when my mk 48 rained hell on them. I took all the nvgs out of the tent with me (to be dropped at a unknown location) and saved the tent. Ran it over with the atv and blew up the atv.

You bastards.

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I guess you could say I infiltrated their clan, whatever. These guys were pretty cool up until they started duping a guillie suit that we found. Now I knew where all those nvgs came from. They were so excited to have them on and with my frustration I told them I would take a picture of them all! That is when my mk 48 rained hell on them. I took all the nvgs out of the tent with me (to be dropped at a unknown location) and saved the tent. Ran it over with the atv and blew up the atv.

You bastards.

Nice. What you do you mean by duping?

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Sir... im so proud of you :')

I know this sounds unbelievable but i found 12 l85s in a small camp. I ran them over with my bike..i hope they dont come back with loot. I knew i should of taken screen shots but I can always go back and see if they did come back.

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Nice. What you do you mean by duping?

I am not going to tell you how but there is a certain way you can duplicate items as many times as you want.

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Nice. What you do you mean by duping?

You can make an item over and over again by abusing a glitch in the game. So you find one item say the wookie suit you can make 10 of them so every one in your clan can have one. Its total bs and is right above hoarding imo.

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Where did you find the G. suit?

It was in a tent, which i saved and ran over later.

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You can make an item over and over again by abusing a glitch in the game. So you find one item say the wookie suit you can make 10 of them so every one in your clan can have one. Its total bs and is right above hoarding imo.

Oh here we go.


Tents are in the game. What the hell else are tents to be used for if not hoarding? Get over it. It's not like the loot they take is never coming back.

Vehicle hoarding is another matter though. That shit needs to stop asap.

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I am not going to tell you how but there is a certain way you can duplicate items as many times as you want.

Gotcha. No need to know. I can items to survive.

Oh here we go.


Tents are in the game. What the hell else are tents to be used for if not hoarding? Get over it. It's not like the loot they take is never coming back.

Vehicle hoarding is another matter though. That shit needs to stop asap.

Vehicle hoarding i think could be fixed by having them spawn more often. I agree with what you said about tents.

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From what I have seen, destroy a tent and it comes back on next restart, with all its gear, well that is older tents. Newer tents will not save and anything in them gets lost. It will give you the option to save, and you can save, but next restart it is just an empty tent.

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A major reason why vehicles were hoarded is because tents were fucked up. If the tents are fixed then the need for something like bright blue van or massive V3S are over. As far as hoarding goes,get over it. Its called game mechanics and made into this game with every bit of intention. Take your communist ideals to the open fields of Electra or Cherno where you can put them into practice,I'm certain someone needs your gear or at least your ear.

And duping will be ended soon enough.

Edited by Bushmaster14

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GUYS... there would be no acquiring of items in a real zombie Apocalypse, no one would hold anything other than what they can carry... tents are for fools!!!!.... be serious people, if were going for realism here... tents/storage areas would be very practical if used properly, if used incorrectly, there a place your going to go to die so to speak ;)

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I don't destroy camps unless i suspect duping. Hoarding is fine. Vehicles i dont even leave them one.

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Whats the point of hoarding vehicles and never useing them? My group looks for Atvs and dirtbikes but any other car we just leave it in a field for bait.

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Whats the point of hoarding vehicles and never useing them? My group looks for Atvs and dirtbikes but any other car we just leave it in a field for bait.

The Ural or VS5(its twin brother) are great for mobile camps.

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Sir, if this story is true, I just love you (no homo)

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The Ural or VS5(its twin brother) are great for mobile camps.

Yeah I can understand just having one for transport, but there is group with multiple vehicles. I was just wondering whats the purpose in having so many? Just to say look what we have or do people with those many vehicles Or make like a vehicle convey making raids. But for me there is nothing like having 8 guys in your group looking over a car in the middle of the field at electro in the middle of the night with the car lights on. Not only is fun to shoot people, its funny as hell when we had a player nearby talk to the guys that we shot, saying "lOok boy dont you dare try to steal my car" or stuff like that.

Edited by TheTigger

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