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The fuckin map in the game is useless doesn't even show me where the fuck i am i gotta log out and back in just to see where i am plsu i cant even see myself on the map might as well not use that shit and use the fuckin maps online that show loot spawns gg rocket gg

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geez , this is a proper troll war or a 6 year old kid with no clue what an alpha means ( i will get a backalsh for this hahaha) . If you hate alpha then cry about it in forums , build a bridge and get the fuck over it.

p.s : The beta still has issues , but last checked , loads of performance tweaks from 9444 to 95417. Kudos rocket for making this mod

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Okay, may I ask how old you are? Because it seems you're a little kid, otherwise you're drunk, I would recommend some sleep, if you're a troll I would ask you to leave. Seriously, don't you understand what alpha means? It's just a test, everything rocket put up is only experimental to see how things work around. It isn't hard to find from quarry to Cherno, and it doesn't take a long time to get there either. Rocket haven't created the items like the map, it's Bohemia Interactive, creator of Arma II so please, do not blame it on Rocket. If you wanna see where you are, I guess you better be playing on a Regular/Recruit server, later on you maybe get GPS which is really usefull. The map(Chernarus) is also created by Bohemia, so I guess you can't really blame that you get through walls on Rocket. It's not hard to get past zombies either and it's kinda easy to get equipment. What I want to say is that Rocket don't have anything to do with the game, not much atleast. He is using a game created by Bohemia to make something really nice, a mod, which got both advantages and disadvantages to a stand-alone game.

So we're not talking about the stand-alone game that maybe come this year, this is where we're talking about the mod, not as a game.

I actually think it was a good idea to disable the respawnbutton, just think about it. This is a game/mod that is all about survival, you could be alone, there can also be a guy in the village where you spawned. On the way to survive you get friends, and of course enemies, it can take hours to find out if your love is still alive. You fight for you life.

The War Z is a whole other game, it's not exactly the same style, for example you have levels there and the higher you get the more spells(weapons) you can afford.

I beg you to calm down, since no one can take you serious with your attitude, it just looks like a new shitstorm.

Edited by sskludde
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The fuckin map in the game is useless doesn't even show me where the fuck i am i gotta log out and back in just to see where i am plsu i cant even see myself on the map might as well not use that shit and use the fuckin maps online that show loot spawns gg rocket gg

There are certain servers that show you as a blue dot on the in game map. Make sure you have a map, then server hop to find one. It shouldn't take long at all.

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Just got the fuck back on spawned in a damn wall i guess rocket is testing people running through walls well its fuckin broke too because i'm stuck

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The fuckin map in the game is useless doesn't even show me where the fuck i am

You need a GPS to pinpoint your position. Map + GPS = navigation.

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Diablo 3 one of the most highly anticipated games of this year and it broke something on each patch and constantly brought down the game on a very regular basis (every few hours) this was Blizzard and all of Blizzards resources could do fu*k all about it for a long time. there was not excuse for this coming from the background they have. This mod is freelance man small crew doing it for the love.

Warz will not be like this mod you are correct. They will break it in every other way by making it all MMO based it will lose the depth (kill 10x zombies collect 5 zombie scalps to make a fancy zombie sweater and such) and fear this game has and will become another action shooter like many other throw away titles. This is not a rage fueled rant its just my opinion. I just feel it wont have that feeling of dread or loneliness or even joy when you finally find your friends like i did today, then the sadness of watching them die only to be alone again and hunted.

This is unique i'm happy to be apart of it. Its certainly better than it never existing at all. Or the chance that he stops caring about developing it due to this kind of reaction (Your entitled to your opinion i wont take it away from you).

It is Aplha its unusual to get a game at this stage let alone have a full audience of 800K. Lots more people to notice the bugs but not reporting them constructively to assist the dev team. Even if they were is alot to fix for a small team it takes time. Just keep it in mind plus we cant say he robbed us the mod is free, we chose to buy it :).

Well that's my 2cents on the subject hope it made sense. IT WILL GET BETTER :D.

Peace n Respect guys n gals.

Well when war z comes out people will realize how shit mods are and actually play a real game instead of playing a game that breaks every update

Edited by NoAverageJoe
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