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Well Rocket found another way to fuck up this mod as always stop updating the damn thing and put respawns back in god damnit. Who wants to go die by a zombie just to have a chance of spawning near their friends??

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Well when war z comes out people will realize how shit mods are and actually play a real game instead of playing a game that breaks every update

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Well when war z comes out people will realize how shit mods are and actually play a real game instead of playing a game that breaks every update

when war z comes out, dayZ will be an actual game you lil internet star.
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Lets make an update lets not test it and release it... Good idea either u get in the game and have ridiculous screen tear or u sit at a damn load screen

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You're complaining about a FREE modification... and you put your post in a a troubleshooting forum? Yeah, you're a troll.

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And it will still be shit, also I did see that they are going to be a stand alone game so how bout u stfu and not act like i dun know shit

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This is troubleshoot letting everyone know that to fix the damn game is to uninstall all of it and never look back

Edited by Dirtnasty

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Lets make an update lets not test it and release it... Good idea either u get in the game and have ridiculous screen tear or u sit at a damn load screen

Install the update in a diff @dayz folder... '-' Problem solved DERPY DOO

and btw we are the testers, hence the word Alpha lol

Edited by Overaided

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I shouldn't have to fuckin do that if the fuckin shit would just work the right way like its supposed to god damn its 2012 and people still can't get shit right

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"Hey guys I spawned at quarry". "We all spawned near cherno". "FFS let me find some zombies and let them beat on me untill I die give me 10 mins". Damn good thing they took out the respawn button otherwise i'd have 10 more mins to play this damn game

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Lets make an update lets not test it and release it... Good idea either u get in the game and have ridiculous screen tear or u sit at a damn load screen

Your an idiot..THIS IS ALPHA...Everything is a test. Swear to god people are god damn idiots on this forum. This game isn't meant to be stable. IT'S FOR TESTING!

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Quit testing shit that doesn't work.. I finally got into a game zombies running through the god damn walls thats cool i wish i could do that shit how bout we test that idea oh wait nvm u can go through walls because i was on a building once fuckin crawled between somethin and boom through the god damn wall died... also when i put shit down it disappears sometimes thats a good test to see how pissed off people get

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"Hey guys I spawned at quarry". "We all spawned near cherno". "FFS let me find some zombies and let them beat on me untill I die give me 10 mins". Damn good thing they took out the respawn button otherwise i'd have 10 more mins to play this damn game

So uninstall the mod, get over it, and play something else instead of wasting time whining. It's an alpha ffs. Shit's not going to be all rainbows and unicorns, princess.

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So uninstall the mod, get over it, and play something else instead of wasting time whining. It's an alpha ffs. Shit's not going to be all rainbows and unicorns, princess.

How bout u not tell me what to do... Last time i check i lived in america

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I was sitting on the factory in Cherno with an AS50, about 5 mags for it. I'm about to die of hunger becuase my character has to eat every god damn 15 minutes. Go to switch it for an Kobra in my pack, what, GONE. Gun fucking disappears.


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They also said they wanted to make this as realistic as they can but yet i have to eat every 5 fucking minutes and also why don't they put a grouping system of some type in like who the hell would go to a zombie infested place solo?? Also why the fuck am I always spawning on the beach? If i did come to this place where the hell did my boat go? and i know i didn't crash my boat and swim on land because then my backpack would be missing

Edited by Dirtnasty

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How bout u not tell me what to do... Last time i check i lived in america

Guess what? So do I. Doesn't entitle you to anything. But, whatever. If you'd rather waste your time whining and being miserable about something, I won't stop you.

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