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Rogan (DayZ)

Every time I disable a vehicle the server shuts down

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I know vehicles are admins special pets, and they think because they pay fees they get the perks, but it's becoming some serious game-breaking shit.

I just chased a bus all the way round the NW airstrip... anticlockwise. Cover, crouching, watching, waiting. I finally catch up with them at the North Barracks. I crawl in, lose my zombie tail, and take position.

Bang. I shoot the tyre, driver is confused and still trying to drive as before. Bang Bang Bang I shoot him in the back of the head and relocate.

I wait.

Thirty seconds pass, then an AKSU chatters - another two deaths.

I wait for the victor to approach the bus. Man I've been hunting for hours to get a better backpack and take my cache of guns to the bean noobs on the coast.

It's coming. The stress is still on. The gamble is yet to pay off. I hold my position, covering only my exposed flank and waiting for the last man through the corner of my eye.

Session lost. OK.

NO IT'S NOT OK FUUUUCK! This shit needs to stop, it's endemic.

Edited by Rogan
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